Blip Employee July 29, 2024 14:22 Updated Index: Introduction Service Human service Settings Data Sending active notifications Integration Plugin Health of numbers Custom Skills Extra content Introduction Employee is a solution that enables manageable one-on-one conversations between companies and their customers, boosting the digital relationship through unique corporate numbers so that agents offer an exclusive contact for sales and services that require particularities, maintaining the company's visibility and management of the customer portfolio and performance. Service The "Service" menu item is for users to be able to access BlipDesk, and make the services in a practical way through Blip Employee without having to change tabs in the browser, so BlipDesk works in an embedded way. For more information access the link: Blip Desk Human service The "Human Service" menu item refers to the "General Settings" and "Replication of General Settings" functionalities so that it is possible to perform the service, within Blip Employee or using Blip Desk natively. 3.1 Service history Through the Service History, it is possible to consult your team's ticket history whenever you need to. Here you have access to the last 3 months. To have access, just select at the top right, select bot / number you want to have access to and in the table that will be displayed below, click on the download button of the corresponding ticket you want to view. You will be directed to a pdf file, where you will have access to the content of the conversation and the media will be displayed in link format. 3.2 General Settings Access to functionality: Click on the menu of Human Assistance / General Settings. Settings: Click on the general settings submenu and the configuration screen will appear, where you will have all the settings available for human service. It is worth remembering that on the general settings screen you will be changing the settings of only the member selected in the select in the upper right corner. Tip: In the option to manage tags you need to press enter for the word to be imputed as a tag, and in this card and in some others you need to click save after changing the configuration, and in other cards just change and reload the page. 2.3 Replicate Configurations: Access to functionality: Click the Human Attendance/Replicate General Settings menu or after making the general settings of a specific agent click on the "Replicate Settings" button Replicate Configurations: Select the bot/number that should be used as a reference to replicate the general settings, and then select the bots/numbers that should be applied in the replications. Then click on the button on "Replicate" Tip: Active Messaging settings will not be replicated across replications of general settings. Once you've replicated the settings, you can go to the "General Settings" page and check the agents' settings individually. Settings The "Settings" menu item refers to the "System Management", "Access Profile" and "Template Configuration" functionalities. While "System Management" allows the management of all members of the bots / numbers, "Access Profile" allows you to massively apply access profiles based on the usage profile. The "Template Configuration" Allows you to activate and configure the templates for your bots / number in an optimized way, so that you don't have to do the configuration in a unitary way 4.1 Access Profile Access to functionality: Flip the settings / Access profile button. Page Information: On the page you have access to a table that contains the usage profiles that have already been created, and the number of members linked to that profile. Through the "Members" button it is possible to see all the members who are linked to the profile and the "Edit" button allows you to change the permission of the profile in question. To delete the access profile, just click on the trash can icon C) Create a new access profile: Activate the "New access profile" button, you will be directed to the "Creation of new access profile" screen. Enter a name for the profile you are going to create, you can also make a brief description of this profile of this profile you are creating. Then, further down, define the access permissions to the modules, which the profile you are creating must have and click on the "Save changes" button Once this is done, you will be directed to the main “Access Profile” screen and the profile you just created will be available for you to link members to it. d) Add access profile to the member: Once the access profile is created, just click on the "Members" button, and you will be directed to the "Profile Members" screen By clicking on the "Add Members" button. A modal will appear, and then you must check if the user is a new member or an existing member. Being an existing member, you can select the checkbox corresponding to the email that will be added and hit the add button. If you are a new member you must click on new member you must fill in the corresponding fields and if necessary you can add other members at once, by clicking on add another member, fill in the fields name, email and finally click on add. After adding you will see on the screen, the member you added in that profile and also the bots/numbers that that member with that access profile is linked to. e) Delete access profile: On the main access profile screen, click on the trash can button, and after the modal is displayed, click on Delete profile. When you delete the profile, all related members will lose the permissions you set. Tip: Members should not be left without a related access profile, as this way members were unable to use Blip Employee correctly. Therefore, the best period to do this is outside of office hours and with prior alignment with the members. 4.2 System management Access to functionality: Click on the settings menu / System Management Page Information: On the system's management page, you can check all the numbers you have within Blip Employee, the agent who is using each number, by filling in the bot's name, and the members who have access to each number/Bot. It is possible to rename the bots/numbers, add and remove members. The addition and removal of members can be done individually or massively. Check members who have access to the number/bot To find out which members have access to the bot / number it is possible to see a preview in the members column, and to consult it in a complete way just click on the "Members" button, and you will be directed to the Bot's Members page, where you will have access to the complete list. It is also possible to check if a member has access to the bot/number through the search field by searching for member or email. Add members individually to a number/bot To add a member individually, simply click on the "Members" button on the main page, and on the "Add Members" button on the bot's members page. After the modal is displayed, define whether the member to be added is an "Existing Member" or a "New Member". Being an existing member, search for the member through the search field, or by scrolling the table scroll, select the checkbox of the members you would like to add to that number/Bot and click add. Tip: It is possible to add multiple members at once by selecting the checkbox Being a new member, you must fill in the fields that will be displayed in the modal and click on add. It is possible to add more than one new member at a time through the "Add another member" button Add members to multiple numbers at once In the table select with the checkbox the numbers / bots that you want to include the members, then click on the top icon that will be enabled, and then click on add members. The modal of adding members will be displayed, then you must follow the process of adding that was explained earlier. Remove members from a number/bot individually Just click on "Members" on the System management home page. When directed to the Bot Members page, click on the trash can icon on the right side. After the modal is displayed, confirm the deletion by clicking on "Remove member" Tip: When removing the member from the bot/number, the member will no longer be able to access, view the number that was removed, so before removing it, make an alignment, as it may cause some strangeness in the team. Remove members from multiple numbers/bots at once In the table select with the checkbox the numbers / bots that you want to delete the members, then click on the top icon that will be enabled, and then click on remove members. The modal will be displayed where you can select through the checkbox one or more members that should be removed from the previously selected numbers/bots. Then you will be directed to the summary modal where you can check the members that will be removed, and if you are right, just click on "Remove" Edit number/bot name and owner email We suggest that the bot name/number is the name of the agent who is using the number in question, when there are changes of the agent who is using the number, it is possible to change the name by clicking on the pencil icon on the right. The edit modal will be displayed with two fields with the owner's name and email, where you can change the information and then click edit. Tip: The email entered the owner's emails field must be linked to a member. If it is not, register it through the 'Access Profile' menu. When performing the action, the member will be added to the bot and has access to it. 4.3 Template Configuration a) Access to functionality: Click on the Settings / Templates menu b) Page Info On the template configuration screen it is possible to see the number of active templates that each bot / number has linked to it along with the date of the last change. The screen makes it possible to search for a specific bot/number through a search field C) Setting up and activating a number/bot on an individual basis Click on the pencil icon and the settings will only be added on the corresponding number/bot d) Setting up and activating multiple numbers/bots at once Select in the table through the checkbox the bots / numbers you want to use, and then click on the "Edit" button. The "Bot Reference" modal will be displayed, which will serve as a template, where all changes made to it will be implemented in the bots selected in the previous step. If you don't want to use a reference bot, choose the option: "Don't use a bot as a reference" After that, the configuration screen with all the templates will be displayed, where the changes that will be made on this screen will be replicated to all the numbers/bots that were selected after you click on the "Save change" button. After that, the confirmation modal will be displayed where you must check the numbers / bots that will be changed with your previous edition. If it is correct, click on the "Apply bulk changes" button Data 5.1 Permission: Permissioning follows the profile x bot x user relationship. The routing, validation of who is accessing the data that will be viewed, of access to the dash occurs via code, outside of Power BI. 5.2 Release of Access: The access to view the data contained in the report follows the release pattern of Pack Manager - Employee. It is necessary that: 1- The user is within a profile that allows the visualization of the data module 2- The user must be related to the installations with their access profile. Note: The control base with the relationships has a daily update routine, so when granting access to a user, it will only be reflected within the Dash content the next day. 5.3 Metrics and indicators: Overview Side menu: Navigation between report tabs. Filters: Manager: Agent filter (number) where metrics are generated. Note: To filter more than one option at the same time, base press the "Ctrl" button on your keyboard while clicking on the agents. Period: Period of performance of the metrics. Metrics Overview: All metrics are calculated according to the selected filters. Calls Total Tickets: Number of tickets offered in the selected period Tickets answered: Number of tickets completed in the selected period. Note: A ticket can be completed in the days following its opening. % of Attended: Tickets Attended / Total Tickets Notifications Sent: Number of active notification triggers Answered: Number of active notifications answered Response Rate: Answered / Sent Satisfaction survey Display: Number of surveys sent Responses: Number of surveys answered Satisfaction level: Satisfaction level according to the survey conducted (CSAT or NPS) Volumetry cards MAUs: Monthly active users, the number of users who have sent or received a message in the current month. MYs: Monthly engaged users, number of users who sent or replied to a message in the current month. Note: Neither card is influenced by the date filter, both always show the value performed in the current month of viewing. Volumetry chart MAUs: Monthly active users, the number of users who have sent or received a message in the current month. MYs: Monthly engaged users, number of users who sent or replied to a message in the current month. %MoM Variation: Monthly performance variance considering the MAU metric. Service The service tab updates on d-1. Filters: Manager Agent filter (number) where metrics are generated. Note: To filter more than one option at the same time, simply press the "Ctrl" button on your keyboard while clicking on the agents. Period Metrics performance period. Ticket Information: Total Tickets: Number of tickets offered in the selected time period Closed: Total number of tickets closed in the period Attended: Total number of tickets completed or transferred by the attendant or manager Abandoned: Total number of tickets canceled by the user after being assigned to an agent Lost: Total number of tickets canceled by the user before being assigned to an agent Service details AHT: Average time of care performed TMF: Average time the user is in the queue until the ticket is assigned to an agent Average time of 1st reply: Average time the user expects to receive a message after the ticket is assigned to an agent TME: Average time the user waits to be served (TMF + 1st response time) Average Response Time: Average response time from the agent to the user Active notifications The active notifications shade updates on d-1. General metrics: Total notifications: Total shots taken, regardless of final status Received: Total notifications received by users Read: Total notifications read by users Failures: Total number of shots that failed to be delivered to the user Replied to: Total notifications that have been replied to by users Response Rate: Answered / Received Laminates: The notification report allows visualization in different tiers, by manager, notification template and Region. Navigation is done through the buttons indicated below. Satisfaction survey The satisfaction survey tab updates every 2 hours. To view the NPS survey data, you need to select the NPS option. For CSAT, select the CSAT option. Net Promoter Score (NPS): Calculation of NPS according to the selected filters. Satisfaction level (CSAT): Calculation of CSAT according to the selected filters. Display: Number of surveys sent Responses: Number of surveys answered Response rate: Number of surveys answered To extract the data, just follow the steps below: Click the Select the "Export Data" option It is recommended to export in the first option. Message volume The message volume tab updates on d-1. In the message volume tab, every message trafficked in the intelligent contact is considered, whether it is from automated service, human service or users. Messages sent: Automated service + Human service Incoming messages: Sent by the user Sending active notifications Sending an active notification in Blip Employee can be done in several ways: 6.1) BLipDesk: Through the service menu item, using the embedded BibDesk. For more information about this sending format, please refer to the link below. [BETA] New Workflow for Sending Active WhatsApp Messages on Blip Desk 6.2) Integration via API: Through integration with our API that enables the connection with CRM to offer more agility and efficiency in shooting. For more information about this submission format, visit the link below. To check our technical documentation, please follow the link: 6.3) Submission through the menu item "Sending Active Notifications" in the following modalities: Individual – From a number/bot to a recipient Bulk from one number - From one number/bot to multiple recipients Bulk from multiple numbers - From multiple numbers/bots to multiple recipients Access to functionality To access the functionality, just click on the menu item "Sending active notifications" Then you must select the shipping mode that makes the most sense for the moment. Individual Shipping To make this submission it is necessary: Select which bot/number is responsible for the sending Enter the number of the user who will receive this notification Choose the Waba template for submission Then click on send notification The Extra Inputs icon: The extra inputs feature allows you to include variables / information that serve as support for the agent who will perform the service. Tip: To trigger NA it is necessary to have a template already registered in Waba. To be able to select the bots/number to make the send, it is necessary to have access to it. c) Bulk mailing of a number To make this submission, it is necessary: Choose which bot is responsible for sending the NA Inform the name of the column within the csv where the phones are inserted Define which type of separator was used (currently we support three types of separators: comma, semicolon and pipe) Upload the CSV spreadsheet that will serve as the submission base Choose the Waba template for the submission. Define whether the shipment will be immediate or not If it is not immediate, it is possible to Set the number of shots per second It is possible to set scheduling time (interval) between shots d) Mass mailing of multiple numbers To make this submission it is necessary: Assemble a spreadsheet in CSV format with the information that will be used in the shooting Enter the name of the column within the csv where the senders, recipients, and the separator to be used are inserted Upload the spreadsheet following the formats provided in the fields Set when messages/notifications will be sent: After or Now If it is later, inform the date / time Set the shipping mode: Gradually or All at once If it is gradually, inform the number of notifications per send and the interval in minutes between each send Once you've set up this information, click Send notifications For more information about this type of shipment, see the link Integration Plugin In the Integration Plugin menu item, it is possible to configure the operation of the Bots / Numbers that you have access to for this. You can do the configuration of all the numbers/Bots at once, or configure something specific for only one number/Bot. The Integration Plugin allows us to optimally activate the numbers directly within the Blip Employee a) Access to functionality To access the functionality, just click on the menu item "Integration plugin" Access to edit the flow of a number/Bot To do the editing of the flow configuration of a number/Bot, simply click on the pencil icon, corresponds, and you will be directed to the configuration screen related to this bot/number Access to edit the multi-number/Bot stream at once To edit the configuration of the flow of several numbers / Bots at once, just in the initial table select through the checkbox the Numbers / Bots that will be edited, click on the edit button, After the modal "Bot Reference" will be displayed, here you can select a bot / number that will serve as a template, where all the changes made to it will be implemented in the bots selected in the previous step. If you don't want to use a reference bot, choose the option: "Don't use a bot as a reference" If you choose to use a reference bot, the edit page will display as follows: first a tag with the name of the bot that will be the reference and then the number of bots that will be changed following this model. Available configurations After selecting the numbers / bots to be edited, you will be directed to the configuration screen which is divided into the following tabs: Conversational Flow, FAQ Menu, Service Queue, Customer Service, Social Media, and Schedules In the "Conversational Flow" tab: In this tab it will be possible to configure the following items: Activate the Call Center - Option indicated for those who will need queues for issues or several different attendants Initial Greeting Message - Message displayed the first time the user speaks to the chatbot Disable initial greeting message Return Greeting Message - Message displayed when the user returns after the first contact with the smart contact Disable Return Greeting Message Enabling satisfaction surveys (CSAT/NPS) Selecting the watch time of the chosen survey Some tips: Call center: it is an option that allows you to have and configure your service by employees, this center allows you to have up to 10 different queues and several attendants in each queue. By enabling this option, several functions of the configuration will be changed to meet the need of the feature. In this part you will only activate/deactivate this feature, for other settings access the "Service Queue" and "Service" tabs. Initial Greeting Message: This will be the first message that will be displayed when your customer speaks to the smart contact for the first time. The Blip Employee brings by initial definition this suggestive message: "Hello nome_do_usuario, I hope you are well! 😃” Feel free to customize your message according to your needs. Service evaluation: The service evaluation feature allows you to include at the end of each customer journey the opportunity to answer either a CSAT survey or an NPS survey. It is worth mentioning that the customer will always receive the survey in their first service and the others will follow the selected rule. In the "Frequently Asked Questions" tab: In the Frequently Asked Questions tab is the moment where you will be able to create your FAQ. It also gives the opportunity to customize the button that will direct to the service. In this tab it will be possible to configure the following items: Enable/Disable Menu Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Customizing the FAQ Menu Service Button You can activate an FAQ with up to 10 questions that will be displayed in menu form right after the initial greetings. When activated, this option will be displayed with the FAQs, when deactivated, the customer will be directed after the initial message to the service (overflow). By choosing to leave the Frequently Asked Questions option activated, the fields referring to this flow are automatically released: Message before the Frequently Asked Questions Menu Question Question Answer Service Button "Service Queue" tab: The display of this screen is conditioned according to your choice in the Conversational Flow screen of the call center option. Let's divide the guidelines according to the possibilities of choice. In this tab it will be possible to configure the following items: Call Center Default Queue Some tips: Disabled Call Center: for flows where the Call Center is disabled, Blip Employee will allow the inclusion of the attendant's email. To do this, enter the email of all the attendants that are needed. Important: To enter the attendant's email, it is necessary to press "Enter" after entering the email address. If this does not occur, the system will not understand that there is an informed email. Call Center disabled: When there is a flow that has the Call Center enabled service queue screen, you can include up to 10 different service queues. Each queue will be displayed in a menu that will allow the user to choose which queue they want to choose. The first field allows you to define what message will be displayed as soon as the user enters, within the flow, in the area to choose the service. As a default within Blip Employee this message is suggested: To direct your service correctly, choose one of the following options: To add another service queue, just click on the button: "Add Service Queue" Default Queue (Other Matters): This is a standard queue that is required for Smart Contact to work. It becomes important because it becomes an alternative for users who have not found their service queue. As it is the standard queue, it will always come with the name "Other matters". Therefore, it is not allowed to change the queue name. In the attendant's email field, enter the emails of all attendants who will be in the specified queue. *ExamplequeueofserviceonwhatsApp "Service" tab: In the service tab we find the messages that will be displayed in the pre-service and post-service flow. In this tab it will be possible to configure the following items: Pre-service Post care Some tips: Pre-service: This is the message that will be displayed before starting the human service. By default, Blip Employee suggests the following message: "*In a while* I'll be available to talk to you. 💬 In the meantime, feel free to advance the subject you would like to discuss." There is a possibility of leaving this message blank by leaving the pre-call message disabled. Post service: This is the message that will be the first message displayed after the human service. By default, Blip Employee suggests the following message:"Thank you for reaching out. I am available if you need to deal with any more matters. See you later! 👋 " It is possible to edit this sentence at any time. There is a possibility of leaving this message blank, leaving the after-call message disabled. Away Message: The away message is one that you can use when an agent is unavailable for an extended period. This functionality is ideal for ensuring that during vacations or absences, no customers are neglected and you can maintain good service to them. Within this functionality, it is possible to customize the absence message and also use a 'contact component' to direct the user to a specific contact within WhatsApp after sending the message. Important: As long as this feature is not disabled, the away message will continue to be displayed. *Example of absence message on whatsApp Social Networks: In the Social Networks tab, it is possible to direct the user to a personalized message at the end of the service, encouraging them to engage in social networks through the links provided. Currently, we can work with four social networks: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. To activate this functionality, it is necessary to enter the message to be displayed and include the urls of the social networks to be displayed. *Example ofmessagefromsocial networksonwhatsApp "Schedules" tab: In the schedules tab you can configure all the possibilities of schedules, considering weekends and holidays. In this tab it will be possible to configure the following items: 24-hour service Daily service Holidays 24-hour service: By activating the 24-hour service button, the operation of 24/7 human service is enabled. In this mode, you cannot use the holiday setting. Daily service: With the 24-hour service option disabled, it is possible to configure human service per day and with several times each day. To activate a specific day, just click on the + button that is before the day. In the time fields it is possible to enter the start time and end time. To include another service schedule within the same day, just click on the button, then a new time slot will be made available. Important: 1) The format used for time information must be in the standard 00:00-24:00 2) It is only possible to create three intervals per day. Service unavailable message: The service unavailable message, when enabled, is intended to display a personalized message to the user, informing them of the option to be notified when the service is available again. In the normal flow, you can customize the message that will be displayed to inform the user about the unavailability of the service, and when the service returns to activity, an Active Notification will be triggered to inform the return of the service *Example of message customization Important: For this feature to work properly, it is necessary to create a message template within Waba, with the name 'atendimento_esta_disponivel'. This template should include a two-button component, with the phraseology of 'Yes' and 'No'. Holidays: When the holidays option is activated, it is possible to set the start and end time of the holiday, thus making it possible to set breaks during the holiday. In the field, you can include and exclude holidays according to your needs. Important: To include a holiday, it is necessary to follow the pattern: DD/MM - Holiday Name You need to press the "ENTER" key to enter the holiday e) Activation of numbers Trigger the integration plugin button. Then click on the (i) icon corresponding to the number/installation to be activated, on the left side of the screen. A modal will be displayed, and you must check the data such as waba ID, phone number and if everything is correct, activate the activate number button. You must have the phone in hand with the chip able to receive calls, if everything is okay, press the yes button. You will be directed to a screen where you must enter the token code that will be sent in the call. After receiving the call, and imputing the code, click on "continue". After you press the continue button, you will receive a success message, or error feedback. If you need help, take a screenshot and highlight the error message and open a ticket and contact the account's CSM. Health of numbers Through the number health module, it is possible to consult and monitor the health of all your numbers / bots on a daily basis in a list format, in one place. Tip: It is extremely important that the numbers are monitored frequently so that they are not banned and are always available for use. Access to functionality To access the functionality, just click on the menu item "Health of the numbers" Page Info On the top cards it is possible to have a view of the health of your numbers in a grouped way, with the sum of how many numbers are in health, Good, Medium or Bad. Below we have a search field, where you can search by bot or by number for when you want to consult specifically, or in the table below all the numbers you have will be available for consultation to enable the verification in a unitary way. Filter by health type By clicking on the top cards, you filter by type of health that each number is presenting Export Report You can export a health report of all your connected numbers in Blip Employee following the pattern we present on the screen in CSV format. To do this, just click on the "Export report" button and download the file. Custom Skills Blip Employee offers several content configuration options, however, through the use of custom skills, it is possible, at predetermined points, to attach new skills to the Employee base flow and offer new possibilities to your customers. For the creation of a custom skill, the initial steps are the same as creating any bot. However, there are some important guidelines for development and publication that will be shown below. (a)Development A small template is provided in a .json file (templateskp.json) that contains the minimum necessary for the custom skill to work After importing the file, however, it is necessary to make sure to turn on the router context You must also add the parentServiceName and serviceName configuration variables, with the service name of Employee that redirects to the custom skill and the service name of the custom skill, respectively. Configuration Example: Tabela Skills Employee x Skills Personalizadas serviceName parentServiceName PreMain Main PreFaq Main PreEnd Main PreDesk Desk PreSurvey RightNote PosSurvey RightNote The custom skill receives as input a message in standard format. Example: { "origin": "Main", "flow": "start", "input": { "content": "Olá", "type": "text/plain" } } This same structure must be used in the outgoing message to return to the default Blip Employee flow. (b) Guidelines It is recommended to use a skp prefix in the variables of the custom flow so that there are no conflicts. The custom skill should always fall back to the default Employee flow. The return to the default flow of Employee should always be made to the bot making the call, according to the scheme of the interaction points. Exception Handling: Exception handling should be within the custom skill itself. Limitations: The human service block should not be used in the custom skill. d) Architecture, publication and updates The publishing schema is carried out from an Employee installation. To this installation the custom skills are attached and then the common publishing process in Blip Packs takes place. Periodically, new versions of the Employee flow are released. Users will receive these updates automatically in their templates. However, for this to be reflected in the installations, it is necessary to generate a new version and perform the updates. A standard number/Bot of Blip Employee contains four skills. ⚠ None of these services can be excluded! The schematic of the interaction points of the Employee base flow with the custom skills is represented below: The names of the services attached to the Employee flow must follow the following nomenclature: PreMain - Name of the service performed before the greeting/return PreFaq - Name of the service performed before the FAQ PreDesk - Name of the service performed before overflow validation PreSurvey - Name of the service performed before the satisfaction survey PosSurvey - Name of the service performed after the satisfaction survey PreEnd - Name of the service that runs before termination It is important that in addition to following the nomenclature, when adding the custom skill, the main chatbot option is not checked and only the option Do not automatically redirect to the main one is checked. Example: Extra content 9.1 Template creation and approval Please access the link How to Create and Approve a Message Template in WhatsApp For more information, join the discussion on the topic in our community or watch the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Audience file configuration - Bulk notification sending Creating interactive messages in WhatsApp Blip Desk Overview Exit Conditions in the Builder Agent Desk Inactivity