STILINGUE Trends January 16, 2024 13:01 Updated Index: Introduction How does the update work? Introduction Monitor the top search terms on Google Trends or the trending topics on Twitter without leaving the War-Room. STILINGUE Trends is a research product specially developed for those who need easy, fast, and consolidated access to the most relevant topics on the internet in the last 24 hours in Brazil, using STILINGUE's proprietary Artificial Intelligence application to ensure efficiency and time savings in deep analysis of digital community conversations. On one hand, we collect the popular topics searched by users on Google Trends, on the other hand, we bring the main conversations from Twitter's Trending Topics to ensure an incredible database updated every 30 minutes to support you in making quick business decisions and staying up-to-date. . An excellent application of the information in STILINGUE Trends is the analysis of hot topics for the production of consistently relevant and current creative content for engaging your audience, improving your positioning, and presence on social media. Stilingue is the only tool that enables intelligent and integrated access to this data. How does the update work? STILINGUE Trends is a live product, automatically updated every 30 minutes within a STILINGUE dashboard, so you don't need to worry about setting up data collection. Data collection occurs continuously, based on the "trending" terms from Google Trends and Twitter Trending Topics. Since searches on these platforms change rapidly, we ensure that our product continues to provide information on trending terms for up to 20 hours after they leave Twitter's Trending Topics list and up to 48 hours after they leave Google Trends' trending list. This way, you'll have more time to analyze information from these sources with our intelligent research panel. The posts displayed in the research panel always pertain to the last 7 days; after this period, they will be removed. This ensures that you always have up-to-date information. Please reach out to your Success Manager here at STILINGUE for more details. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Usage - STILINGUE Trends What Can I Do When I Have Trouble Accessing or Using STILINGUE? Overview Screen of the Analysis Module Webhook Collection STILINGUE Platform Access