How to find my bot's ContractId ? May 31, 2023 23:03 Updated To find a bot's API access the Blip Portal Blip Portal. Click on the contract picker in the upper left corner (as shown in the image below). Select the desired contract from the menu that opens. In the browser the url will appear like this: The contracttid is what is highlighted in red the other option is to identify it in the bot connection settings as below: To find a bot's API access the Blip Portal Blip Portal. Click on settings in the upper right corner (as shown below). Select the Connection Information option from the left menu. At the bottom of the Connection Information screen you will find the urls with the contract id of your bot. Remember to use the proper url for each type of http request. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Finding my bot's API-KEY How to Send SMS via API How to send WhatsApp notifications through Blip API Active Messages - Error Codes Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk