Press Clipping Configuration January 12, 2024 13:14 Updated Index: Introduction Press Clipping View Introduction Learn the step-by-step process to integrate this feature into your research and make your monitoring even more comprehensive. Clipping is the monitoring of mentions of a specific brand in the media. In STILINGUE, the collection of offline clippings is initiated automatically once the links generated by the clipping agency are integrated into our collection email (learn more about this process in our Clipping Collection Guide). The integration of clippings should be done directly in your Research Configuration, in the "Edit Research" menu. The configuration of clippings will only be available after the activation of this feature, which is granted by your Account Manager. So, simply include the operators according to your clipping agency: for example, "integration: Idea Factory" or "integration: Clipping Service" in the collection group of your choice - it can be an existing group or a new one created specifically for this purpose. Every publication that is collected through this integration will be classified in the group where the operator was inserted. After registering the operators in the group, remember that it will also be necessary to activate the clipping collection channel: Portals. This way, you will not only receive your clippings as cards in the Publication Wall and the Press Wall, but you can also filter them by Groups and access them like other publications. Note: All channels are automatically enabled when you create a research, so remember to check them before proceeding with your configuration. Press Clipping View Learn how to locate and analyze the collected clippings in your research. Once registered and configured, your clippings can be viewed as publications within your research and summarized as graphics for analysis. The clippings will be displayed as cards on the Publication Wall, along with other collected publications. This information will also be available in the Press section, which can be accessed through the side menu. Press is the area that consolidates all collections of clippings online and offline. Access the first item "Press Wall" to view the cards, and "Summary" to access a series of charts that will help you understand in summary how your monitoring is performing: Note: You can also analyze the channels separately: filter by "Channels" and choose between Radio, TV, Print, and Portals. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Clipping Collection - Press STILINGUE API Press Wall How to create charts in a custom report How to integrate RD Station with Blip