Retrospective data collection via service January 12, 2024 13:47 Updated Index: Introduction How do I request the service? In what cases can't I do retroactive requests? Is this service paid or included in my contracted plan? How are retroactive data obtained? What is the period for the publications that can be retrieved? How long does it take to complete the retroactive request? Are there any limitations for retroactive dark posts? Can I retrieve data from proprietary metrics charts through retroactive requests? How does the retroactive collection by service work for each social media platform? Introduction Learn how to request data collection for analyzing information prior to your research period. The data from social networks, blogs, and other services collected by STILINGUE is counted from the start of the created research (in the case of Listening) or the connection of a proprietary page (in products like STILINGUE Smart Care and Proprietary Metrics). However, if you need to obtain data from earlier periods, you can contract a retrospective collection service. How do I request the service? The service request must be made to the responsible Account Manager, who will then assess the demand and forward it to our technical team. In what cases can't I do retroactive requests? The limitations of each service and social network will determine whether retrospective collection conducted by STILINGUE can be performed, either via Listening or through API on proprietary pages. These points will also be detailed in the guide. Check other situations where retroactive service cannot be performed: If the panel has already exceeded the limit of publications; If there are no terms for collection in the groups; If there are no connected pages (for retroactive proprietary metrics); For a date earlier than September 2016. Is this service paid or included in my contracted plan? This type of retrospective is charged separately as an additional service. The details are provided to the client by the responsible Account Manager. How are retroactive data obtained? Proprietary Pages: We use the social media's API to obtain the data. Listening: The collection is done using STILINGUE's historical database, which ensures posts dating back to September 16, 2016. It's important to note that currently, the historical data covers the entire research, meaning it's not possible to retrospectively collect data for specific Groups within your Research Configuration. Attention! Collecting from the historical database does not guarantee the completeness of publications for a period; it only includes those that STILINGUE has previously collected. What is the period for the publications that can be retrieved? Proprietary Pages: There is no predefined limit, but the timeframe can vary depending on the API of each network. For example, on Twitter, there is a limitation of 7 days, while on Facebook posts, there is no time limitation for retroactive collection. The specifics of each collection will be explained further. Listening: STILINGUE currently performs retroactive collection from September 16, 2016, to the present date. This means that there is no limitation on the end date of retroactivity, only the start date (September 16, 2016). How long does it take to complete the retroactive request? There is no exact rule to determine the retrospective collection time. Regarding Listening collections, the main factor that influences the completion time is the descriptors present in the Research Configuration (both in terms of quantity and the type of descriptors). In the case of proprietary connections, it depends on the quantity and type of publications to be collected, such as posts, comments, and dark posts. Are there any limitations for retroactive dark posts? Yes. Retrospective data can only be retrieved if the dark post is active (meaning if the post is currently being run). Can I retrieve data from proprietary metrics charts through retroactive requests? This possibility varies depending on each chart: For charts based on metrics aggregations in posts (not depending on time-based data, such as sums and averages), it is possible to retrieve data retroactively. For charts based on time-based data, each situation needs to be analyzed individually. In the case of the Fan Base Evolution chart, for example, retroactive updates are not possible. Learn more details in the FAQ. Note: For Facebook data, the chart's date filter will provide data within a range of up to 3 months at any time period, regardless of retroactivity. Other retroactive possibilities for the charts in this area can be analyzed by the Product team. How does the retroactive collection by service work for each social media platform? Instagram Proprietary Pages: When the profile is commercial (Instagram Business) and the page is connected to STILINGUE, there are no limitations for the retrospective collection of posts (we will collect the last 50 comments on each post). For other comments, the retrospective is done differently. The following publications are included: Posts and comments on Instagram Business profiles Posts and comments on active dark posts from Instagram Business profiles Important! Retroactive collection via service is not carried out for the following proprietary interactions: Mentions made to the page; Messages via Instagram Inbox. As an alternative, the system retrieves by default the last 25 messages received by the page. Attention! STILINGUE collects only the most recent thousand retroactive comments, so we cannot guarantee the collection of comments from all posts covered within the retrospective. Listening: Currently, it is not possible to request a retrospective via service in this specific case. The only retroactive collection available for Instagram posts in the Listening module is done through hashtags and occurs naturally through the social media network's API as soon as the hashtag is registered in the Research Configuration. Only posts made in the last 24 hours from the hashtag registration will be collected. Facebook Owned Pages: There is no date limit for retroactive collection if the page is connected to the platform. The following publications can be collected: Inbox Publications Page Posts User Reviews Visitor Posts on the Page Active Dark Posts Page Mentions Listening: Retroactive collection is performed using STILINGUE's historical database. Twitter Owned Pages: It is possible to perform a retrospective collection of 3,200 publications within the last 7 days from the retroactive request. There are 3,200 for each type of publication, 3,200 mentions, and 3,200 owned publications; For inbox, we can collect 30 days retroactively from the request. The profile must be connected to the platform. Listening: Retroactive collection is performed using STILINGUE's historical database. Note: STILINGUE does not perform retroactive collection for Twitter Enterprise. Youtube Owned Pages: We can perform retroactive collection only for publications, with no limitations on the period when the page is connected to STILINGUE. Listening: We can perform retroactive collection using STILINGUE's historical database. Linkedin STILINGUE does not perform retroactive collection. Google My Business (GMB) STILINGUE does not perform retroactive collection. Other Listening Networks Retrospective collection is carried out through STILINGUE's historical database. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles STILINGUE API Reprocessing Documentation Listening - STILINGUE API Discontinuation of Page Insights API by Meta FAQs - Proprietary Metrics