Access Token April 26, 2024 15:04 Updated Index: Demonstration Video Introduction Demonstration Video Introduction Learn how to renew the accesses to your company's pages connected to STILINGUE. The access token functions as if it were the key to a container, constantly exchanged to ensure the security of what is stored. It is this key that allows STILINGUE to collect and analyze data from your page. Currently, token renewal is done every 90 days. This is a way to ensure that the user responsible for the connection still has the necessary accesses to the owner's channel. To help users remember this deadline, STILINGUE sends emails to account users about the need for renewal. These emails are sent when there are 60, 30, 15, and 7 days left until the token expires. You can renew your page's token by accessing the "My Connections" option within the menu located in the upper corner of the screen. You will be redirected to the Owner Connections Manager. Now, locate the card related to the page and click on the refresh icon to complete the renewal. The page with the token about to expire will display the icon in different colors: yellow: the token will expire in 15 days. orange: the token expires in 15 days. red: the token will expire in 1 day or has already expired. When you click on the icon, the token will be renewed for another 90 days. It's important to emphasize that for Facebook and Instagram Business, the renewal must always be done by an Admin user of the page owner. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Finding my bot's API-KEY Action: HTTP request Activation of Additional Numbers on Blip - WhatsApp Embedded SignUp FAQs - STILINGUE API and Integrations Active Messages - Error Codes