How to save information in extra Contact fields via Active Message October 30, 2023 13:22 Updated Index: Introduction How to make Introduction We understand that when sending active messages, we may need to pass more data to whoever will serve the customer at the end or even to change the flow in the Builder depending on the information provided. That's why we created this article to teach you how to add extra fields to Contacts when sending active messages in bulk. How to make When creating a spreadsheet to send the active message, you add extra columns necessary for the message model that will be sent, remembering that the first column must always be the telephone column. Example: Hello {{1}}, this is from Blip. We have received your so-called number {{2}}, we are working on it and will send you more information soon. For the model above, I must insert the fields below in the audience spreadsheet: telephone name calling number 5511999999999 Amanda 12345678 5511999999998 John 12345679 5511999999997 Rodolfo 12345676 When you want to save extra fields, just insert additional columns: telephone name calling number line SLA 5511999999999 Amanda 12345678 priority 2h 5511999999998 John 23456789 normal 5h 5511999999997 Rodolfo 25814736 priority 2h In the Growth tab on the Portal, you can see how many columns of variables are needed for the template, that is, if you want to save in addition to the variable, you need to have more columns in the spreadsheet that will generate the extra fields that are not sent in the message. Below is a case where we have enough columns for the template: Below is a case where the template does not require any variables, so all extra data besides the telephone number will be saved in Contacts, but will not be sent to the end customer: Below is a case where there are not enough columns for the template: And the field “line” will be saved in Contacts in each customer's data, so you keep the information up to date, and it can be consumed by Builder or even for your agents to have updates about the customer with each service. A second example: Hello {{1}}, come and take advantage of the super discount in our store, just talk to one of our salespeople! Telephone Name discount limit 5511999999999 Amanda 30% 5511999999998 John 20% 5511999999997 Rodolfo 10% If you send a new column with the same name, the value will be replaced. To add new information, just enter new names. See below how the data will be saved in Contacts: Important: Even if the customer does not receive the message or the trigger fails, the data will be saved in contacts. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles How to Save Contact Information Audience file configuration - Bulk notification sending Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk Active WhatsApp Messages in Blip Desk: Return to a Bot Flow Block Saving contact name from WhatsApp Broadcast