Analyzing Active Message Dispatches via WhatsApp August 06, 2024 20:39 Updated Index: Introduction How to track the sending of active messages Monitoring the Message Status Campaign Report Introduction After the dispatch, comes the analysis: understanding which clients received, which ones read, and using this information to clean up your database, ensuring that in the next dispatch, you will only send to those who want to receive, engage, and thus maintain the quality of your number and message model high. How to track the sending of active messages On the initial screen of Active Messages (under "Portal" → Growth → Active Messages), the list of active campaigns sent and scheduled is displayed as shown in the image below. The listing shows the following campaign data: Campaign name: defined by you at the time of campaign creation. Message status: shows the quantity of messages sent, failed, received, and read from that campaign. Scheduled campaigns that have not yet been processed appear with zero statuses. When processing starts, you will see the message "processing" in this column. Scheduling: specify the date and time when the campaign processing will start. Campaigns sent at the time of their creation appear with the message "Not Scheduled" in this column. Sending date: specify the date and time when the campaign was sent. Scheduled campaigns that have not yet been processed appear with the status "Awaiting". It is possible to filter by the name of the campaigns and also show only the scheduled campaigns. Monitoring the Message Status After sending the campaign, on the active campaign list screen, it is possible to check the sending status through the "Message Status" column. The column presents 4 fields, namely: Audience: total number of valid phones provided in the audience; Failed: number of messages that were not delivered because there was some failure in the delivery; Received: number of contacts who successfully received the sent message; Read: number of contacts who viewed the sent messages. Campaign Report It is also possible to analyse the dispatch details by downloading a CSV file. To do this, simply click on the "Report" button, located in the "Actions" column. You can view the button by hovering over the desired campaign line. As shown in the example below: The campaign report provides sending and audience data, such as who sent and which numbers failed. Below is a description of the report fields: Date Campaign sending date Date + time GMT 00:00 Campaign ID Unique campaign identifier Campaign name Campaign name Message template Template used in the campaign Sent by Email of who performed the dispatch or scheduling Contact's phone WhatsApp number that received the message. Message status Message status (sent/sending/delivered/read/failed) Sent Sending date to the contact. Received Date of receipt by the contact. Read Read date. This status is only marked when the user enables read confirmation in WA (two blue ticks) Failure Date when the message failed. Failure code Failure code Failure description Description of the failure reason Response redirection Redirection type (chatbot or agent) Notice about duplicate or incorrect numbers: Duplicate and incorrect phone numbers from the audience file weren't processed and won't be shown in the report. For more information, access the discussion on the topic in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Active Messages - Error Codes Audience file configuration - Bulk notification sending Sending Active Messages to WhatsApp via Growth Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk Improving Model Engagement