Summary - Press May 20, 2024 13:36 Updated Shall we analyze offline data in the Press area? We provide you with incredible information to track this media within the tool. By clicking on "Summary", the second section of the press area, you will have a series of charts to understand succinctly how your monitoring is performing. Information on how to subscribe to this offline media plan is in this article: "Press Wall". One of the charts we have is the Collected Articles: Through this chart, you can see what was collected in various date ranges, and the arrows (green and red) next to the numbers compare collection to the same previous period. Example: on "Today," we have 31 items collected and -81%, meaning there were 81% more publications the day before. In the "Evolution by" chart, we have 3 options to analyze it: Media Type Favorability Mentioned groups Get to know each one. Media type: We charted on the graph in which channels we had the most data collections. Considering that we collect from TV, portals, radio, and print. 2. Favorability: You will have information about the sentiment of the collected and classified publications as positive, negative, and neutral. There is also the option to view/hide publications not classified with any sentiment. 3. Mentioned groups This chart will function according to your setup. In other words, from the collected articles, it will identify which group you placed in the creation of your research, analyze if the publication fits, and then trace it on the graph. Further on, in the Collected Articles & Overall Favorability chart, we have the absolute value of the collected articles and the overall sentiment they represent. By hovering over any part of the chart, we detail the values that the area corresponds to. The same applies to all charts in this area. In the chart below, we have the Media Distribution, showing what pertained to portals, TV, radio, and print. Similar to the previous chart, each channel comes with its favorability index, meaning the sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral) of each channel. Favorability can be disabled by clicking on the smile icon. In the Group Distribution chart, we can visualize what was collected and fits within the groups created in your setup. This data also has the favorability index per group. We also create a Highlights Distribution chart. In this section, you can understand if, from what was collected, the majority is text, title, photo, caption, supplement, or cover. All data with favorability index. In the next chart, we show the Coverage Distribution. Separating what is regional, national, and global. Like in the other charts, we also have the option of the favorability index. In Theme Distribution, the chart will show, according to your setup, in which themes the collected publications fit. Already with applied favorability. In the "Advertising Equivalence" data, we provide how much the brand would spend to appear everywhere it appeared. Based on the cost of each space where we collected publications. We draw a comparison of how much the brand appeared and would pay for it, in a period similar to the filter you applied. In other words, if you set it for one day, we will bring the comparison with the previous day. Then we divide the advertising equivalence by channel. 1- Print media centimeter count (considering a newspaper page size of 56x32) 2- Radio minutes count 3- TV minutes count 4- Centimeter count on portals These values are based on the centimeter count and timing of each media outlet and are provided by Boxnet, a partner of Stilingue responsible for news clipping. In the following charts, we present a Top 5 highlights of those who talked the most about what you are monitoring. And we organize it in 2 moments: The listing of the top 5 channels from which we collect the most data, with the quantity of mentions, advertising equivalence, and minutes/centimeter count. The favorability index for each of the top 5 channels. The same will happen in the other charts (TV and Portals). The other charts are: Distribution by segments: A chart in which the volume of publications is distributed among subjects such as urban security, transportation, education, among others. Distribution by Tiers: Tiers are levels of attention defined by clients and manually distributed by research operators through classification. Distribution by Interests: A chart in which the volume of publications is distributed among the interests of the authors of the publications. Key Spokespersons: Key advisers and spokespersons mentioned in the articles. Key Authors: A chart that presents the key authors of press articles. Key Sections/Supplements: Presentation of the main sections and supplements where the articles were published. Key Cities, States, and Countries: Charts that present the main cities, states, and countries of origin of the publications. Key Descriptors: Terms registered in your search configuration that appear most frequently among publications. Key Tags: Tags that appear most frequently among publications. Key Mentioned Links: Links that appear most frequently among publications. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Press Wall Original Publications Visualization - Press How to manage a distribution list to send WhatsApp notifications Most Engaged Users - Facebook What are the reasons and strategies for using "Interest" in your Research panel and within Smart Care?