How to configure the new interface in your bot's opening hours January 02, 2024 21:07 Updated Index: Contextualization about opening hours Problem to be solved and proposed solution for opening hours Updating the human service block to receive the time setting How to configure opening hours Difference between regular hours and special hours How to configure the exit condition of your opening hours Learn in this step-by-step tutorial how to configure the new interface in your bot's opening hours. With this update, now the creation and editing of service hours can be performed directly in the 'ATTENDMENT' menu, reducing the complexity of managing the functionality and giving more autonomy for the operation. Contextualization about opening hours Service hours are nothing more than the period in which the operation is available to serve its customers. It is possible to configure this time through scripts or including the Blip Desk Sheduler 2.0 extension (availabre on the Blip Store). Problem to be solved and proposed solution for opening hours Although there are already ways to configure service hours, the methods applied are complex and require technical skills for creation and editing. Thus, the degree of complexity of handling this feature increases, in addition to the fact that it is not possible to be assertive as to the identification of the queue to which the ticket will be directed before its creation, when checking the time using a script or plugin. Given the problem, a new interface was created, natively, so that the general creation and editing of service hours can be performed directly in the 'ATTENDMENT' menu, like the other options available on the Portal. Thus reducing the complexity of managing the functionality and giving more autonomy for the operation. Updating the human service block to receive the time setting First of all, it is necessary to understand that opening hours are one of the functionalities of the 3.0 human service block. That is, in order to start using opening hours in your operation, you need to update the human service blocks to this new version. How to configure opening hours After updating the service block, it is necessary to create the service time(s). The 'ATTENDMENT HOURS' submenu is located within the 'ATTENDANCE' menu in the Portal header. By accessing the option 'Service hours', you can create a schedule by defining its main parameters: 1. Name and description; 2. Queues belonging; 3. Schedule (days and times of operation); 4. Periods without service. After saving, your timetable will be created, but it will still not be working. In order for the validation of your service hours to be applied, you must INDICATE AN EXIT CONDITION in your Builder's service box. How to set up periods without service To set up periods without service, simply navigate to the relevant schedule section, under 'Periods without service'. Locate the 'Add period' button, which will display several components for configuration: Period name: field to personalize the title of the period. Full day: if enabled, the period without service will be blocked and set to start at 00:00 and end at 23:59 on the respective start and end days. In other words, the period will always start at 00:00 on the initial day and end at 23:59 on the final day. Start day: Start date of the period without service.End day: End date of the period without service.Set time (start): Time when the period without service begins.Set time (end): Time when the period without service ends. Understand with examples: No service operation on the days 10/01 and 11/01:1. Add a new period using the 'Add period' button.2. Give a title to your period.3. Keep the 'Full day' button enabled.4. Set the start date for day 10 and the end date for day 11. No service operation on 20/01 and back on 21/01 at 1:00 PM:1. Add a new period using the 'Add period' button.2. Give a title to your period.3. Disable the 'Full day' button.4. Set the start date for day 20/01 at 00:00.5. Set the end date for day 21/01 at 12:59. What is the difference between Regular Hours and Special Hours? Regular hours: single hours of operation, where all queues (except those with special hours) will work. Example: hours for service to Free customers, from Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 18:00. Special Hours: Assigned to specific queues where your schedule will differ from the regular hours. Example: opening hours for Premium customer service, every day, 24 hours a day. How to configure the exit condition of your opening hours The exit condition is configured in your bot's human service block, in the 'BUILDER' menu. When selecting the human service block, you must navigate to the 'EXIT CONDITIONS' tab and locate the option '+ CONDITION FOR BUSINESS HOURS' and thus define the block to which the conversation will proceed if your service team is not available. available. With that, all you have to do is publish your bot so that the service hours start working in your operation. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel.😃 Related articles How to Set Up Business Hours Using a Script Adjusting Builder Time Setting up the flow for the holiday Creating interactive messages in WhatsApp Active Messages - Error Codes