Agent Availability Check July 12, 2023 17:44 Updated Index: What is the purpose of the agent availability check? How does the general agent availability check work? How does the agent availability check by queue work? Required permissions How to configure the agent availability check? How to configure the agent availability check by queue? Additional articles What is the purpose of the agent availability check? The agent availability check is used for the system to verify if there is an agent online before transferring the customer to human support. This check can be performed in two ways: General agent availability check Agent availability check by queue How does the general agent availability check work? The general agent availability check will verify if there is an agent online, regardless of which queue they belong to. If there is at least one agent online, the customer will be transferred to the human support queue according to the configured routing rules in their intelligent contact. If there is no agent online in any queue, the system will send the customer to the stage configured in their intelligent contact. Note: It is recommended to use the general agent availability check when there is only one registered queue. Since the system checks the status of agents regardless of their queue, it is possible for a customer to be directed to a queue without any agents online. How does the agent availability check by queue work? The agent availability check by queue will verify if there is an agent online in the queue to which the customer will be transferred. If there is at least one agent online, the customer will be transferred to the human support queue according to the configured routing rules in their intelligent contact. If there is no agent online in the queue to which the customer would be transferred, the system will send the customer to the stage configured in their intelligent contact. Required permissions To configure the general and queue-specific agent availability check, the following permissions are required in the system: For the portal, the permission required is: Helpdesk > View and edit For the Builder, the permission required is: Builder > View and edit How to configure the agent availability check? The agent availability check configuration in the Builder is used to identify the exit condition in your flow when no agents are available. If you have created your chatbot from a service template, this configuration will come pre-defined. Follow the steps below if you wish to change this configuration or add it if you have created a chatbot from scratch. 1. Access your portal at Select the company that contains your chatbot(s).3. Then, choose the chatbot in which you want to perform the configuration.4. If you don't have a chatbot yet, simply create a new one using the service template, and this configuration will come preconfigured.5. After accessing your chatbot, go to the "Builder" menu.6. Find the service block in your chatbot.7. Select the service block.8. Next, click on "Exit conditions".9. Go to the "If no agents are available" option and choose the flow stage you want to direct to. If there is no existing stage where you want to send the tickets, create one and then repeat this step.10. Save the changes, and you're done! The configuration in the Builder is ready. Note: This functionality only works for chatbots that have transfer to human support in the Helpdesk. How to configure the agent availability check by queue? The configuration of the agent availability check by queue is done in the Portal and is used to indicate that you want the check to be performed considering the specific support queue to which the ticket will be transferred. Chatbots created from the service template do not have this option enabled, so it needs to be updated manually. This configuration requires that the previous stage, where the agent availability check is configured in the Builder, is set up correctly for it to work properly. Follow these steps: 1. Access your portal at Select the company that contains your chatbot(s).3. Then, choose the chatbot in which you want to perform the configuration.4. Next, go to the "Atendimento" menu.5. Then, select the "Configurações gerais" (General Settings) menu.6. Enable the "verificação de disponibilidade de agentes por cola" (agent availability check by queue) switch to activate the functionality.7. That's it! Your agent availability check by queue is now configured. Note: This functionality only works for chatbots that have transfer to human support in the Helpdesk. Complementary articles How to update your service flow to version 3.0 of the human service block How to create blocks in the Builder How to configure the new interface in your bot's service hours For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles How to check available attendants by team How to check if an attendant is available in Builder How to connect to a personalized service channel Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk Audience file configuration - Bulk notification sending