Themes and Topics - Listening May 21, 2024 15:38 Updated Index: Themes and topics - Boards Themes and topics - Editing Boards STILINGUE's Boards were developed to present the data collected by its research in a didactic and visual manner, with real-time updates and the possibility of display on TVs and monitors. You can use them with your team as an analytical and visual resource to monitor crises, campaigns, and events where live impact matters. The complete Boards module is located in the sidebar of Listening: By clicking on "Themes and Topics" a new page will open, presenting the highlighted graph. Here, you can visualize the most mentioned terms among the publications collected in your research: 1. Themes/Groups Use this button to change the graph presentation according to the Groups or Themes established in your research. 2. Manage terms Edit the presented terms to remove words you do not want to display in the graph. 3. Show sentiment Choose this option if you want the colors of the term graph to represent the sentiment of the publications. 4. Analysis & Recommendations To add text and images to the graph presentation, use the Analysis & Recommendations area. Editing Choose parameters to view real-time data in your research. The Themes and Topics - Boards guide presents the functionality of the main graph in the area. In the first part of this material, we showed how the main graph of the Themes and Topics Board works. Now, let's explore other features so that you can extract complete information from this area. Other editing options You can change the color of the graph according to sentiment; this makes it easy for a specific color to indicate a relevant term, for example. Additionally, you can use the arrows at the ends of each "slice" of terms to change the view, expanding or hiding Groups, Themes, or terms. Annotations by Groups and Themes Next to the main Themes and Topics graph, you can see the percentage of sentiment and include information about the Groups and Themes presented in the graph. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Themes Pre-configured Topics for Your Research Custom Dashboards Context and Groups Data Tables