How to do customer service in Blip Desk June 14, 2022 12:27 Updated To perform customer service through Blip Desk, there are some prerequisites: The Blip Desk must be active in the Blip service module. The bot must be prepared to perform the transfer of care to the human attendant. No Builder To send a user for human assistance in Builder use the Service block. All attendants must have a valid Blip account. To create a valid Blip account, access the portal and follow the instructions. The attendant must be associated with at least one service team at Blip. Having verified all the above prerequisites, any attendant, registered as a member of the service teams, will be able to start the services. Therefore, the following activities are necessary: 1. The attendant must be logged in to the Blip Desk tool 2. The attendant must be online in the tool From that moment, the attendant is ready to make calls. Whenever a user is sent to attendance, he will be sent to the queue of a certain team. The rules for directing each queue can be configured according to the context of each bot. All attendants have a view of the number of users in the queues of the participating teams. To start a service, just click the button Attend a new customer. After the service starts, the attendant will have control of the conversation between the bot and the customer. All messages sent by the attendant will be sent to the bot, which consequently forwards it to the user. Likewise, messages sent by the customer being served will be delivered by the bot to the attendant. After completing the service, the attendant can end the conversation by clicking the End Service button, located at the top of the conversation, as shown in the image below. Note that the Blip Desk will also display a confirmation screen for finalizing the service ticket. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😊 Related articles Setting up Desk Human Service in Builder Blip Desk Overview Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk How to Add Agents in Blip Desk How to Use Queue Management for Routing Support Tickets