Action: Redirect to a service September 08, 2022 21:07 Updated Thinking about the scalability and the correct administration of the knowledge bases of the bots, Blip has the concept of bot hierarchies. Through the Router, it is possible to create a bot composed of several other bots. In this scenario, in order to be able to switch the user between the skills, it is necessary to use the Redirect to a Service action. This action is very simple: just enter the Service identifier (bot) to which the user will be directed and mark (if desired) the sending of the context message to the service that will handle the user's next interactions. The service identifier must be the same as the one entered in Services' settings of Router’s bot. Stay tuned: The redirection works only on the Bot Router, so if you run tests on the SubBots, the redirection will not work and you will be directed to the exception block. For more information, access the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles How does redirection between subbots work? Undestanding bot and subbot hierarchy (or architecture) Action: Set variable Setting up Session Expiration and Timeout Service History