Difference between partial match and exact match November 07, 2022 14:50 Updated Index: Perfect and partial match How to activate the partial match Perfect and partial match By default, when you register matches in the content assistant and there is a perfect match, that is, the intent and entities present in the user’s sentence are the same as the registered match’s (with no additional or missing letters), this match’s content is returned to the user that is talking with the bot. Otherwise, nothing will be returned, which may limit the bot’s reply options, depending on the number of registered matches. If the partial match was activated, the content assistant behavior will be slightly different. When you register the same combination in the content assistant, if the user’s sentence has the same intent of the registered combination’s, and if the sentence’s entity set has all entities of the combination (which can have more entities than the amount registered), the content assistant should reply more to the sentences sent by the user. However, they can lead to wrong answers, since it would be replying to combinations that are different from the registered ones. Example: Let us assume you have the following combination registered in the content assistant: If this behavior is a perfect match, the bot will only resume this message’s content if the intents “see” and “barely used” are included in the user’s sentence. Nevertheless, if, in addition to these entities, the “flexible fuel” entity is also recognized in the sentence (since it is part of its collection of registered entities), the content assist will not resume anything, because it would be exceeding the registered entities. As for the partial match, this combination’s content will be returned, because the user’s sentence has all the combination entities and the “flexible fuel” entity. Observation: If a combination registered with the “car” and “flexible fuel” entities also exists, the requirements for it can be met with the sentence “see barely used, flexible fuel cars” and can be resumed in this scenario as well (one of both matches will be returned). How to activate the partial match In the AI (1) tab, in the “Content assistant” menu (2), under the screen header, you will find a switch with the label “Activate partial match” (3), which manages the partial match settings (activated or deactivated). For more information, access the discussion about this topic in our community or watch our channel’s videos. 😃 Related articles How to set a timeout for Builder actions URL Migration Action: HTTP request Action: Set variable Creating interactive messages in WhatsApp