How to connect your own application through Advanced Settings January 23, 2023 14:57 Updated To publish your bot to Facebook using your own application through the advanced settings you will need: Application previously created and analyzed by Facebook. PageId - Click here to understand how to create a Facebook PageId PageAccessToken - Token for accessing your Facebook page If you need help generating a PageAccessToken click here. If your own application is not yet configured correctly, follow the steps in Section 1 and Section 2 to configure. Otherwise, just follow the steps in Section 3: 1. Configuring your own Facebook application to connect via Advanced Settings Important: For your application to work correctly you need to add the products: Messenger and Webhooks to your application. 1.1) Product Settings: Webhooks After adding the Webhooks product, it is necessary to configure which Messenger events will be sent by Facebook. To do this, in the Webhooks menu, select the Page option and click Subscribe to this Object. Fill in the values below: URL: Token: ze3jRmmaLU5KUTtUN (Only if using Organization) Webhook URL change After performing the migration to Organization you will need to change the URL of the Webhook your Facebook application. Use the values below: URL: https://{OrganizationOrganization} Token: ze3jRmmaLU5KUTtUN Note: Remember to replace {OrganizationID} with the corresponding value. 1.2) Product Settings: Messenger After adding the Messenger product, and in possession of the two information below, click on the menu Messenger → Settings → Webhook and configure the information Callback URL and Check Token as shown below: URL: Token: ze3jRmmaLU5KUTtUN (Only if using Organization) Messenger URL change After performing the migration to Organization, it will be necessary to change the Callback URL in your Facebook application. Access your application, click on the Messenger menu, enter Settings and change the Callback URL and Verify Token information, with the data below: URL: https://{OrganizationOrganization} Token: ze3jRmmaLU5KUTtUN Note: Remember to replace {OrganizationID} with the corresponding value. Access Messenger → Settings → Webhook → Webhook field version controls. Check that the version of the selected webhooks is marked as v8.0. Make changes if necessary, otherwise your application may experience instabilities: 2. Permissions required by the Facebook application to connect via Advanced Settings After creating the Facebook application, you will need to request some specific permissions for your application to work correctly with Blip. For this you must go to Application Analysis → Permissions and resources and request each permission separately: Here is the list of permissions and the reason for its use: pages_messaging: Send and reply to messages on Facebook Messenger automatically. pages_user_gender: The bots associated with the application can send messages in several languages. This permission will be used to apply the correct pronoun. pages_user_locale: The bots associated with the application can send messages to people in many countries. This permission can be used to direct people to bots that use their languages. pages_user_timezone: The bots associated with the application can send notifications to the user using Message Tags. This permission can be used to avoid sending notifications at inconvenient times, such as in the middle of the night. 3. Publishing through your own Facebook application via Advanced Settings 3.1) In the portal, choose the bot you want to publish, go to the Advanced Settings screen and add the following records in the table: Domain Key ValUE PageAccessToken YOUR_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN PageId YOUR_PAGE_ID isChannelActive True 3.2) Send a message to your Facebook page and test if the message reached your bot in Blip. Note: The bot can start responding within 3 minutes. Related articles Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk How to connect your own application through Portal Submitting data for analysis through Webhooks How to interact with users through Messenger FAQ - Integrations