Automatic Closure due to Client Inactivity March 05, 2024 12:18 Updated Summary What is the purpose of automatic closure due to client inactivity? How to configure automatic closure due to client inactivity? Required permissions Configuring automatic closure due to client inactivity in the Builder Configuring automatic closure due to client inactivity in the Portal Advanced settings for automatic closure due to client inactivity Default configuration Do not close if the customer is waiting for a response from the agent What is the purpose of automatic closure due to client inactivity? The automatic closure due to client inactivity is used to end interactions that no longer have client involvement, allowing the agent to receive new tickets for handling. One of the main benefits of activating this feature is the increase in agent productivity. They no longer need to worry about inactive tickets and can focus on assisting those who truly require support. In addition to automatic closure, it is also possible to configure a message to notify the client that their ticket will be closed after a certain period of inactivity. This prevents the client from being caught off guard or not understanding why their ticket was closed. Another configurable action is the automatic addition of closure tags, which classify the tickets that were closed due to inactivity automatically, without requiring any action from the agent. This also enables you to filter tickets closed due to inactivity in reports for further analysis. Finally, you can configure tickets to be automatically removed from the agent's list once they are closed due to inactivity. This further improves the agent's performance since they no longer need to concern themselves with those tickets once the client becomes inactive and reaches the configured time thresholds. How to configure automatic closure due to client inactivity? To properly set up automatic closure due to client inactivity, you need to configure it in two locations within the system: In the Builder of your intelligent contact; And in the general settings of the service menu; In the advanced settings if you want to change the time counting logic for closure. Note: This feature only works for chatbots that have fallback to human assistance in the Desk. Required permissions To configure automatic closure due to client inactivity, you need to have the following permissions in the system: For the Portal, the permission required is: Helpdesk > View and edit For the Builder, the permission required is: Builder > View and edit For advanced settings, the permission required is: Settings > Basic settings > View and edit Configuring automatic closure due to client inactivity in the Builder The configuration in the Builder is used to identify in your flow the exit condition when a ticket is closed due to client inactivity. If you created your chatbot using the service template, this configuration will already be set up. Follow the steps below if you want to change this configuration or add it if you created a chatbot from scratch. To do this, access your portal at; Select the company that contains your chatbot(s); Then choose the chatbot for which you want to make the configuration; If you don't have a chatbot yet, simply create a new one using the service template, and this configuration will come pre-configured; After accessing your chatbot, go to the "Builder" menu; Find the service box of your chatbot; Then click on "Exit conditions"; Go to the option "If ticket is finalized due to client inactivity" and select the step in the flow you desire. If there is no existing step where you want to direct tickets closed due to client inactivity, create one and then repeat this step; Save the changes, and the Builder-side configurations are ready; Configuring automatic closure due to client inactivity in the Portal The configuration in the portal is used to set the times until inactivity, inactivity message, tags, and whether the ticket will be removed from the list or not after closure. To do this, access your portal at; Select the company that contains your chatbot(s); Then choose the chatbot for which you want to make the configuration; Then access the "Service" menu; And then the "General Settings" menu; Go to the section "Automatic Ticket Closure" and enable the selector (switch) to enable and display the settings of this section. Configure the subsections of "Automatic Ticket Closure" according to what is most suitable for your operation, which are: Inactivity Time: In this subsection, you should configure the maximum time the client can remain inactive before the ticket is closed due to inactivity. You need to enter a time value greater than ZERO as an integer and specify the unit of measurement, which can be minutes or hours. Close Only When First Response is Received: In this subsection, you can define whether you want to close any ticket or only those that have already received the first response, meaning they have received an initial message from the agent. If you want to close the ticket only when the first response is received, leave this option selected (checked). Otherwise, if you intend to close the ticket even if the first response has not yet occurred, this option should not be selected. Send Inactivity Alert to the Client: In this subsection, you can configure the automatic sending of a message to notify your client that the ticket will be closed after a certain time if they do not respond. To do this, you need to configure how much remaining inactivity time triggers the message, specifying an integer value greater than ZERO and selecting the unit of measurement, which can be minutes or hours. Attention: This time must be less than the time configured in the automatic closure section. Additionally, you need to configure the message that will be sent to the client. This message will be visible to both the client and the agent and will appear as if the agent had sent it. Example: If the closure is configured for 25 minutes, and the message is set to be sent 10 minutes before the closure, it means that after 15 minutes of inactivity, the message will be sent, and 10 minutes later the ticket will be closed. Include Tags in Ticket Closure: In this section, you can configure one or more tags to automatically add to the ticket when it is closed due to inactivity. This allows you to identify these tickets in reports and history. Simply enter the desired tag and press enter. You can enter multiple tags in this field, and all of them will be added to the ticket. Remove Ticket Automatically: By enabling this option, whenever a ticket is closed due to client inactivity, it will be automatically removed from the agent's ticket list. To activate this functionality, simply enable this section. 8. Once you have completed all the above configurations, click save. And voila, your automatic closure due to client inactivity is configured and ready to use. Attention: the inactivity timeout needs to be shorter than the session timeout in the Builder; otherwise, the user's session will expire. Advanced settings for automatic closure due to client inactivity In addition to the default settings for automatic closure due to client inactivity, it is also possible to add advanced configurations to customize the functionality according to your operation. The main point of the advanced configurations is to change the rule for counting the inactivity time. But before learning how to configure it, it is necessary to understand the functioning of the default configuration and the advanced options. Default configuration: In the default configuration, the time is counted in two different ways, depending on whether you have selected the checkbox "Close Only When First Response is Received" or not. For cases where the checkbox is enabled, the counting works as follows: The inactivity time starts counting after the client has been transferred to the agent, the ticket has been created, and the agent has sent the first message. This time is reset after the client's message, and it will reset whenever the client sends a message or reaches the maximum configured time that will close the ticket. In this case, the agent's message is not considered in the counting. In other words, only the client's messages reset the count (start from zero). For cases where the checkbox is disabled, the counting works as follows: The difference in this case is the start of the count, which does not wait for the agent's message to start. Once the client is transferred and the ticket is created, the inactivity time starts counting. This time is reset after the client's message, and it will reset whenever the client sends a message or reaches the maximum configured time that will close the ticket. In this case, the agent's message is not considered in the counting. In other words, only the client's messages reset the count (start from zero). Do not close if the customer is waiting for a response from the agent What is this option for? When the checkbox "Do not close if the customer is waiting for a response from the agent" is checked, tickets will only be closed when the agent has been waiting for the customer's message for a longer time than the configured value. If the customer has sent a message and the agent has not responded, then the ticket will remain open. The time counting works as follows: The inactive time starts counting after the customer has been transferred to the agent, the ticket has been created, and the agent has sent the first message. The counting stops and resets when a new message is received from the customer and only restarts after the agent's message. In other words, with this setting active, the customer is only considered inactive if the agent has sent a message and has not received a response from the customer. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles How to set user downtime User Closing Tickets Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk How to reset users through Beholder? Dashboard - Data Analysis