Creating interactive messages in Apple Messages for Business January 11, 2023 14:47 Updated Index: Introduction List Picker Message Quick Reply Introduction This article will show you how to create the JSON file for both types of interactive messages in an easy to understand way, providing an example for each case. To improve the experience for users interacting with Smart Contact, two new message types can be used in the conversational flow natively or as Dynamic Content. The new types are called Interactive Type by Apple and can be: List Picker Message: it will allow the selection of an item from an option item list. This type of message provides a simpler and more consistent way for users to select an option when interacting with a company. Quick Reply Message: will allow the selection of an option from up to 5 options in the form of buttons. This type of messaging provides a faster way for users to make a selection from a menu when interacting with a business. Response buttons have the same user experience as interactive templates with buttons. See further information in Apple's official documentation: click here to access List Picker Message Menu type messaging is natively available in Blip. This means that it is possible to use the component through the builder and have the same experience in the Apple Message for Business channel. Builder Component: Example of how the component is rendered in Apple Message for Business: Existing Rules: Emojis are supported Markdown is not supported Remarks: Menu type components that are converted to List Picker Message will have only 1 section. It is not necessary to enable any configuration to use the component. Also, in any case, you can still use the component through the Dynamic Content message type from the block in the constructor. According to the image below, in field 1, set the application/json value for the dynamic content type, in field 2 set the JSON that will compose the content, and confirm the changes using the Save button, button 3. Example of a List Picker Message JSON: {"id": "6fd45a1d-3357-49ac-aced-4d5d29922dea","sourceId": "{valor referente ao source}","destinationId": "{valor referente ao source}","interactiveData": {"bid": "{valor referente ao source}","data": {"version": "1.0","requestIdentifier": "6fd45a1d-3357-49ac-aced-4d5d29922dea","images": [{"identifier": "camisa-one-step-beyond","data": "{adicione o base64 da sua imagem}"}],"listPicker": {"sections": [{"items": [{"style": "default","title": "P","imageIdentifier": "38a46010-b0a7-41ac-8d82-c18cd8d27a67","order": 0,"identifier": "0"},{"style": "default","title": "M","imageIdentifier": "b34ebba4-b0d6-4eef-aead-b41692b0f9ca","order": 1,"identifier": "1"},{"style": "default","title": "G","imageIdentifier": "f8a160b0-d7a5-463c-960e-3e669452cb7f","order": 2,"identifier": "2"},{"style": "default","title": "GG","imageIdentifier": "cd798cf6-b7bb-42ba-9858-dbf1de9bb7c8","order": 3,"identifier": "3"}],"title": "Tamanhos","multipleSelection": false,"order": 0}]}},"useLiveLayout": true,"receivedMessage": {"style": "small","title": "Qual o tamanho da sua camisa?","subtitle": "Tamanhos únicos, escolha o seu aqui...","imageIdentifier": "camisa-one-step-beyond"},"replyMessage": {"style": "icon","title": "Esse"}},"type": "interactive"} The example will be rendered as follows: Quick Reply Message Quick reply messaging is natively available in Blip. This means that it is possible to use the component through the builder and have the same experience in the Apple Message for Business channel. Builder component: Example of how the component is rendered in Apple Message for Business: Note that the text added in the builder is only displayed in the message notification and after selecting the option. The text should not be considered as an introductory message, if necessary a text component should be used before this function. Existing rules: Emojis are supported Markdown is not supported Comments: Quick reply components must have 2 to 5 options. Components that have 1 or more than 5 options will be converted to List Picker. To use the component it is not necessary to enable any configuration. Also, anyway, you can still use the component via the Dynamic Content message type from the block in the builder. According to the image below, in field 1, define the value application/json for the dynamic content type, in field 2 define the JSON that will compose the content and confirm the changes using the Save button, button 3. Example of a Quick Reply Message JSON: { "sourceId": "{valor referente ao source}", "destinationId": "", "v": 1, "type": "interactive", "id": "", "interactiveData": { "bid": "{valor referente ao bid}", "data": { "quick-reply": { "summaryText": "Dynamic content", "items": [ { "identifier": "1", "title": "⭐" }, { "identifier": "2", "title": "⭐⭐" }, { "identifier": "3", "title": "⭐⭐⭐" }, { "identifier": "4", "title": "⭐⭐⭐⭐" } ] }, "version": "1.0", "requestIdentifier": "" } }} The example will render as follows: For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Creating interactive messages in WhatsApp How to Publish Your Chatbot on Apple Message for Business How to interact with users through Business Chat Interacting with "Reply" and "Reactions" messages through SDK Using Dynamic Content