STILINGUE Studio Components - Proprietary Metrics January 16, 2024 18:31 Updated With the aim of providing solutions to simplify metrics management, STILINGUE has developed the STILINGUE Studio service, where you can create custom dashboards based on your research data, with unique filters and relevant graphical elements for your business. To facilitate the construction of your dashboard and make it even more personalized, we offer a comprehensive material on all the components of STILINGUE Studio. Below, discover all the components that originate from the data collected by Proprietary Metrics: Feature Component Data Source Sorted list by date (from most recent to oldest) of the publications made by registered profiles (includes posts and interactions made by pages). Timeline of Proprietary Publications Proprietary Metrics Summation of the total reach achieved from proprietary publications filtered in the research. Reach Proprietary Metrics Summation of the quantity of comments that each publication or interaction from the social metric filter has. In other words, it only counts the comments that appear in each publication/interaction card. Received Comments Proprietary Metrics Summation of all likes received from proprietary publications filtered in the research. Received Likes Proprietary Metrics Summation of all engagement actions received from proprietary publications filtered in the research. Received Engagement Proprietary Metrics Summation of the total organic and paid impressions from proprietary publications filtered in the research. Impressions Proprietary Metrics Ratio between the number of interactions divided by the quantity of interacting users. Interactions per User Proprietary Metrics Total number of fans acquired by the selected pages during the researched period. New Fans Proprietary Metrics Count of publications from connected and filtered pages in the research. Shows proprietary publications by default, but can be adjusted to display all types of interactions. Posts and Interactions Proprietary Metrics Represents the result of the equation: (positive publications / collected publications * 100) - (negative publications / collected publications * 100) applied only to received interactions. Sentiment Gauge of Interactions Proprietary Metrics Total number of fans for the selected pages on the final date of the researched period. Total Fans Proprietary Metrics Count of unique users who interacted with the proprietary channels. Interacting Users Proprietary Metrics Summation of video views on the existing proprietary channels in the research and filtered. Views Proprietary Metrics Summation of the total reach achieved from proprietary publications filtered in the research within the selected time period. Reach over Time Proprietary Metrics Distribution of received interactions divided by proprietary channel over a period of time. Engagement per Channel over Time Proprietary Metrics Summation of the total organic and paid impressions from proprietary publications filtered in the research within the selected time period. Impressions over Time Proprietary Metrics Distribution of received interactions by the percentage ratio of positive, negative, and neutral sentiments over a period of time. Sentiment of Interactions over Time in Percentage Proprietary Metrics Distribution of received interactions by their polarity over a period of time. Polarity of Interactions over Time Proprietary Metrics Division of interactions by positive, negative, or neutral polarity. Distribution of Sentiment of Interactions Proprietary Metrics Cards in the form of a list containing proprietary content sorted by the total engagement achieved. Publications with Most Engagement Proprietary Metrics Distribution of interactions by Gender and their division by polarity. Sentiment of Interactions by Gender Proprietary Metrics Distribution of publications (posts + interactions) across proprietary channels and their division by polarity. Sentiment by Proprietary Channel Proprietary Metrics Distribution of publications (posts + interactions) by assigned tags and their division by polarity. Sentiment by Proprietary Tag Proprietary Metrics Distribution of publications (posts + interactions) by research themes and their division by polarity. Sentiment by Themes Proprietary Metrics Carousel cards containing proprietary content sorted by the total number of received comments. Most Commented Proprietary Publications Proprietary Metrics Distribution of the volume of received interactions divided by proprietary channel. Interactions per Channel Proprietary Metrics Daily variation of fans of the researched pages during the period, relative to the previous day. Evolution of Fan Base Proprietary Metrics Comparison of engagement, impressions, and sentiment index of comments from proprietary publications during the period. The quadrant division is determined by the arithmetic mean of the last 90 days. Engagement Matrix by Publications Proprietary Metrics Comparison of engagement, impressions, and sentiment index of comments from publications during the period, by tag. The quadrant division is determined by the arithmetic mean of the last 90 days. Engagement Matrix by Tags Proprietary Metrics Volume of publications or interactions on proprietary profiles distributed by assigned tags. Distribution by Tag (Proprietary) Proprietary Metrics Volume of publications or interactions on proprietary profiles distributed by themes registered in the research. Distribution by Theme (Proprietary) Proprietary Metrics Summation of all engagement actions received from proprietary publications filtered in the research within the selected time period. Received Engagement over Time Proprietary Metrics For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles STILINGUE Studio Components - Smart Care Global Filters - STILINGUE Studio Engagement Index - Proprietary Metrics Free up space on your dashboard Managing your chatbot through the log