Global Filters - STILINGUE Studio January 16, 2024 20:41 Updated Index: Introduction How to access Component cards Who can access? Introduction Perform custom analyses using filters across your entire dashboard, without losing individual control when needed. In an effort to simplify the way you view the data presented in dashboards, without sacrificing control over individual filter configurations, STILINGUE has introduced a new feature: STILINGUE Studio Global Filters. With it, you can choose between quick or detailed analyses, depending on your needs. How to access Access is done through STILINGUE Studio. When entering as an editor at dashboard, you need to click on the Global Filters button, located on the top right of the toolbar. By clicking on the Global Filters button, you will see a screen where a menu with all filtering options will be displayed: To better understand the functionalities of this tool, check out the available options below: 1. Filter Area This is the initial screen of Global Filters. It is divided as follows: 1.1 Posts Define which posts will be collected on the network. Here, you can configure the type of post, the time period, the authors, and the channels from which data will be collected. 1.2 Proprietary Metrics and Smart Care With this filter, you can determine whether posts will be collected on proprietary pages and/or customer support. 1.3 Clear All Clears all filters and returns the time frame to the default state (last 7 days). This change needs to be confirmed by clicking the 'Apply' button. It's important to note that this button doesn't close the Global Filters screen. 1.4 Cancel Closes the Global Filters screen and does not apply any changes to the filter, regardless of whether the user has made any filter adjustments. 1.5 Apply Confirm the changes in the filters, close the Global Filters screen, and return to the dashboard, reloading all the information. Additionally, you will also find the following features: 2. Filter Bar The Filter Bar is located at the top of the screen, just below the header. Here, you can view and edit the Global Filters applied to the dashboard. In addition, the Filter Bar also includes the following functionalities: 2.1 Time Interval Opens the time interval filter for the user to select the desired period. 2.2 Summary of Applied Filters Thumbnails of the applied filters will be displayed in ascending order of application. As the number of filters displayed in the bar is limited, if there are more applied filters than the total area size, we will show a counter indicating the number of filters not being displayed. If any filter is deleted, it will be removed from the Filter Bar, and the remaining filters will be rearranged. 2.3 Global Filters Clicking this button opens the Global Filters screen. 2.4 Clear All Removes all applied Global Filters on the dashboard and clears the Filters bar. Component cards In the component cards, you can check if there are other active individual filters and whether they impact the displayed information in any way. If there are, they will be indicated by the letter "F," as shown in the image below: 4. Component Individual Filters 4.1 Summary of Global Filters in Individual Component Filters When clicking on the individual filters of the components, it will be possible to view a summary of all the global filters applied on the dashboard. This way, the documentation becomes 100% consistent with the expected behavior of the feature. If you change an individual filter that is also used by the Global Filter, the thumbnail of the Global Filter will be removed from the summary due to the hierarchy between global and individual filters. If the applied individual filter is included among the Global Filters, the thumbnail of the latter will not be displayed in the summary. The Time Range filter will always be displayed, regardless of the chosen time period. 4.2 Individual Filter Removal Button When you change a Global Filter displayed in the component filter, it returns to its original position and adds an X button to the right of the modified filter. As a result, the individual filter will ignore the changes made by the Global Filter. If a Global Filter is also selected in the individual filters, if it is removed, you will no longer see the X on the corresponding individual filter. The X button within the individual filter indicates that it is overriding one of the Global Filters. By clicking on this button, it will return to the default view, and the Global Filter will be applied again. Who can access? Only the editors can view the Global Filters screen and make changes that will impact the entire dashboard. The "Apply Filter," "Clear Filter," and the summary of applied Global Filters buttons are also not available to guests. Important! When an individual filter used in the component is also being used by the Global Filters, the individual filter will take precedence. For example, if you select "Theme" in the Global Filters and also select "Theme" in the individual filter of the component, the platform will consider only the individually selected filter for that component and not both selections. However, when the selected individual filters differ from the applied Global Filters, both will combine to determine the information displayed in the component. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Publications Filter - Proprietary Metrics Twitter Data Collection - Proprietary Metrics Components - STILINGUE Studio Documentation STILINGUE Smart Care - STILINGUE API Managing Access Permissions