How to review a contact's chat history June 17, 2023 02:57 Updated Index: Where to find and manage contacts How to find a contact The messages exchanged between users and smart contacts are valuable information to learn more about your audience, improve the conversational experience in the automated service flow and also in human service. In Blip you can find the history of messages sent by users, in addition to being able to save and manage other important information to identify your contacts. In this article we explain: Where to find and manage contacts who have interacted with the smart contact How to find a contact Where to find and manage contacts All contacts that interacted with your smart contact are available in the Contacts module, which can be accessed from the top menu of the Blip platform. By clicking on a contact, you can view the contact information saved during the conversational flow, the tickets opened by him, and the conversation history of the last 3 months. Tickets are only available in chatbots where human service is provided via Blip Desk. How to find a contact To view the transcription of conversations between your bot and a specific customer, as well as the information saved for this customer, just access the Contacts module and search for it using one of the available filters. The contacts always appear ordered from the date of the last user interaction with the chatbot, from newest to oldest. The predefined search period is the seven days prior to the day of the query, but it is also possible to select any date and time interval, just select the dates in the calendar that appears in the upper left part of the list of contacts. In addition to the date filter, contacts can be searched by name, email, phone, city, document and ID fields. To search for contacts by any of the identification fields, (1) click on “+ Add filters” and (2) configure the filter by choosing the search field, the condition to be applied and the searched value. After that, (3) click “Apply” on the upper right corner of the screen to perform the search. You can search for as many fields as you want at the same time. To add or remove a search field, just click on the “+” and “-” buttons, respectively, which appear at the end of the search filter configuration. Attention: so that you can search for contacts by any of the identification fields, it is important that this information is saved by the chatbot during the conversation with the customer. Learn more about saving a contact's information here. Another way to fetch the entire transcript of a conversation is using the Blip API. For more information on using Blip's Chat History extension, visit the documentation. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Service History Service History for Agents, on Blip Desk How to save human service history via Blip Integration with Google Drive How to send WhatsApp notifications through Blip API Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk