Extension - Dynamic FAQ December 29, 2023 17:39 Updated Index Introduction How does it work? Installation and Configuration Example of Use Configuration in the Builder Testing Flow Support Introduction The Dynamic FAQ extension was developed with the aim of facilitating the creation and maintenance of FAQ content. This solution optimizes the process of building an FAQ without the need for AI (Artificial Intelligence) or script and regex solutions to handle user messages. The extension allows the construction of an FAQ skill through an intuitive interface, optimizing the development time of the structure and facilitating the editing of registered content. How does it work? The Dynamic FAQ operates based on a keyword system that is registered in the plugin interface, along with other information. When identifying a keyword or a similar term in the user's message, the intelligent contact will respond with the relevant content for that subject, using a component of the channel the user is conversing on. The extension has the following functionalities: Registration, editing, viewing, and deletion of keywords Editing the Fuzzy Match score (a service used to compare keywords with user input) Copying registered keywords to another bot/router Activation and deactivation of keywords Upon entering the plugin screen, the following options will be displayed in the top bar: In the top bar, we have the following functionalities: This button opens the Plugin usage documentation. Clicking on this button opens a pop-up with the option to copy keywords from one bot to another. To perform the copy, you need to provide the Key Authorization of the destination bot. This button refreshes the list of registered keywords and the score field (item 4). In the “Score” field, a reliability value from 0 to 100 is defined and used by the Fuzzy Match to verify if the user's input corresponds to any registered keyword. The "Add Keyword" button opens a form to enter the information for a new keyword. Once keywords are registered, the user gains access to the following functionalities: A search bar to search for a keyword within the list. The number of registered keywords is displayed just below the search bar, with a limit of 150 keywords per bot. List of registered keywords. Hovering over an item in the keyword list displays a trash bin icon, and clicking on it allows for deleting the keyword. Installation and Configuration To install the extension, access the Blip Store within any intelligent contact and search for Dynamic FAQ. Then, activate the extension, and it will be available for use in the bot/router's extension menu. Example of Use Keyword Registration To register a keyword, simply click on the "Add Keyword" button in the top right corner of the screen. The form for registering new keywords will be displayed. Keyword: This field is the keyword's ID, and it should be a name without special characters. Title: In this field, enter how the keyword will be displayed to the user, including correct spelling with special characters and uppercase and lowercase letters. Examples: In this field, you can register up to 5 examples and/or variations of the keyword. This field helps in recognizing user input through Fuzzy Match. Description: In this field, enter the response text related to the registered keyword. Channels: In this field, specify the channel in which the bot will be used. When enabling the channel, a corresponding component type must be selected to display the content to the user according to the selected component and channel. Options: In this field, you can provide possible topics and responses related to the keyword. Response: Content of the response or indication of redirection to the user's chosen option. After completing the form and clicking the “Save” button, the new keyword will be displayed in the Plugin interface. Configuration in the Builder To display the contents registered in the plugin interface to the user, the user's message must be sent to the Plugin API. The API has two endpoints: 1 - /keyword-input: Endpoint that receives the user's input and the channel (Blip Chat, WhatsApp, etc.) and returns the content of the found keyword. In cases where the user's input matches two keywords, the endpoint will return a menu with the found keywords. In the Builder, an HTTP request should be configured as follows: POST https://keywords.cs.blip.ai/api/Keyword/keyword-inputkeyAuthorization: {{chave do bot que o plugin foi instalado}}{ "input": "{{input do usuário}}", "channel": "{{canal do usuário}}"} To display the returned content, you can use the variable with the API response within a dynamic content in the builder. Example of response (WhatsApp) when only one keyword is found: Example of response (WhatsApp) when multiple keywords are found: 2 - /option-keyword: This endpoint should be used when the user receives content with options from a keyword. The endpoint receives the keyword found by the previous endpoint, the selected option, and the channel the user is conversing on. The content of the selected option will be returned. In the Builder, an HTTP request should be configured as follows: POST https://keywords.cs.blip.ai/api/Keyword/option-keywordkeyAuthorization: {{chave do bot que o plugin foi instalado}}{ "keyword": "{{keyword encontrada}}", "option": "{{opção selecionada}}", "channel": "{{canal do usuário}}"} To display the returned content, you can use the variable with the API response within a dynamic content in the builder. Example of response (WhatsApp) from the endpoint: Testing Flow To access the already assembled flow, just follow the link. Support If you have any questions or encounter any issues with the extension, please contact us at suporte.pluginfaq@blip.ai. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles How to send WhatsApp notifications through Blip API How to publish your chatbot on Workplace MySQL for Blip Extension How to reset users through Beholder? Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk