How ticket distribution works March 27, 2024 12:20 Updated Index: Introduction Selection and Prioritization of attendants Ticket prioritization Disabling manual ticket self-assignment (the "Attend" button) Ticket ordering Introduction Blip Desk's ticket distribution always tries to balance the service load among all available agents. To do this, every ticket to be distributed is sent to an attendant according to a series of criteria. Selection and Prioritization of attendants When a new ticket arrives to be distributed, the first point to be observed is the queue that will handle this ticket. Queues for each attendant can be managed according to This article. The status of each attendant at the moment is then observed, Only those with ‘Online’ status will be able to receive a new ticket. Observation:To see all the statuses available to agents and how they work, see This article. And lastly, only attendants who have at least 1 slot available will be considered. The available service slot is the number of simultaneous services allowed (configured on the attendant screen) minus the number of tickets currently being handled by the attendant. All attendants who meet these 3 criteria will be able to receive the new available ticket. However, to balance the service load among attendants, some criteria are used to choose the most appropriate attendant, among all those who are eligible. Ticket distribution criteria for eligible agents The criterion primarily used for qualified attendants is to look at the number of tickets that the attendant currently has. Whoever is handling the least number of tickets at the moment will receive the new ticket. Scenario 01: The attendants A is B are able to receive a new ticket, and the attendant A is currently handling 2 tickets while the attendant B is only serving 1. In this case, attendant B will receive the ticket, as he has a fewer calls no moment. Scenario 02: Attendants A and B are able to receive a new ticket, both of which are currently handling 2 tickets. However, the last ticket from agent A was delivered at 10:00, while the last ticket from agent B was delivered at 10:05. In scenario 02, where there is a tie in the number of tickets in simultaneous service, whoever received a ticket the longest ago will receive a new ticket, that is, attendant A. Summary: Distribution uses the ticket queue, attendant status, and available attendant slots to determine who is eligible to receive a new ticket. As a tiebreaker, the number of calls in progress is used, followed by who received the ticket the longest ago. Ticket prioritization Tickets are normally prioritized to be distributed in order of creation on the Blip platform, if it is possible to find an attendant capable of receiving them. This means that the first ticket to be created, if there is an agent who can receive it, will be the first to be distributed. However, when a ticket is transferred to another queue, it is closed with the status of Transferred and a new ticket is opened for the desired team. In this case, the new ticket has the same “priority” that the original ticket would have. Example 01:There are tickets A and B, created on the platform in this order. If ticket A is transferred, thus creating ticket C, the new ticket C will have priority to be distributed before ticket B, as it was created by a transfer of a ticket that was originally created before ticket B. [Ticket “A” | Ticket “B”] → Ticket A > Ticket B [Ticket “C” (which was transferred from Ticket “A”) | Ticket “B”] →Ticket C > Ticket B I.e, transferred tickets carry the creation time properties of their originating ticket. Example 02: There is a ticket A that has already been attended to and needed to be transferred to another queue. When transferred, it is now a new ticket, ticket B. This ticket B carries a higher priority than the other tickets.”common” from this new queue. Observation: If there is already a ticket in this queue with high priority, ticket B will respect this order. Maintaining +1 priority only for other tickets "common". In other words, the ticket that has already been served and transferred arrives in the other queue with priority given to tickets. ”common”, except for tickets that are already in the queue with high priority. Configuring direct transfer permission You can transfer tickets directly to a specific attendant or queue.To activate this feature, follow the steps: Access the Portal; Choose your bot; Access the option'Service', located in the top menu; No left side menu, click on ‘General settings’. On this screen, there are two options that can be enabled: Direct ticket transfer: Allows transfer of tickets only for available queues and attendants. Ticket transfer: Allows ticket transfer for available and unavailable queues and attendants. Legend: Enabling functionality for direct transfer Observation: The option“Transfer tickets” even if all team agents are offline, within the“General Settings” and the belly “Service” of the portal, refers only to manual transfers, and not to transfers or automatic distribution of tickets. How to transfer tickets: 1. In the view of the Service Manager/Supervisor: To transfer a ticket, simply go to the menu‘Monitoring’ and select the ticket in question. When opening the conversation thread, click on‘button with arrows’ and choose whether the transfer will be to a queue or attendant. Select the recipient queue or attendant and confirm with the ‘Transfer ticket’ button. 2. From the attendant’s perspective:To transfer a ticket, simply select the ticket in question to open the conversation thread. At the top you will find a button with arrows"transfer", then decide whether the transfer will be to a queue or attendant. Select the recipient queue or attendant and confirm with the button ‘Transfer ticket’. Configuring the maximum automatic dispensing quantity In this configuration, you can define the maximum number of tickets to be automatically distributed to each agent. Example:I want to define that each attendant should receive a maximum of 10 tickets. To configure this quantity, go to the menu'Service', then access‘General settings’, There you will have an option called ‘Automatic distribution’, then enable the setting, define the maximum number of tickets and save. Ready! Now, all your agents are set to receive this defined amount. If you want to customize some agents to receive a different maximum amount than the others, take the following route: Yet on menu 'Service', between on the page 'Attendants', select the attendants that will be modified, click on the pencil icon to edit their settings, define the number of ‘simultaneous tickets’ and hello. Ready! Now, these selected agents will have a different maximum number of tickets than the others. Observation: If you customize the maximum number of some attendants and need to reset the ‘Automatic distribution’ (for all attendants), in the menu ‘General settings’, The agents that you had already personalized will not suffer these impacts, thus maintaining the amount that you had already personalized for them. Disabling manual ticket self-assignment (the "Attend" button) There are use cases in the Desk where tickets might represent new leads for the operation. For these cases, it's also possible to configure your Desk to disable manual ticket assignment by the attendant, meaning to deactivate the "Attend" button so that the attendant doesn't have more tickets than the quantity defined by the Automatic Distribution in the "Attendants per Ticket" field. To do this, simply follow the path General Settings > Ticket Distribution > "Disallow attendants from requesting tickets manually". When this setting is enabled, the "Attend" button will not assign new tickets to the attendant, restricting it only to tickets directed by the Automatic Distribution, which will respect the defined limit. Ticket ordering (attendant view) It is now possible to sort open tickets on Blip Desk in two different ways: Sort by most recent open ticket: the most recently opened tickets are at the top; Sort by most recent message: tickets with the most recent message received are at the top; It's a way to give flexibility in how you want to view your ongoing services. To activate changing the sorting mode, open the Desk, click on the gear icon and choose the ordering you prefer: For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk Agent Status Blip Desk Overview Active Messages - Error Codes User Closing Tickets