Customizing Your Interactive Messages June 06, 2022 16:45 Updated Contents Introduction Official Documentation List Messages Full Json Reply Buttons Full Json Introduction In order to fully customize your interactive messages this wiki page will provide you with all the tools you need to build the Json file from scratch. Official Documentation WhatsApp's official documentation for the Interactive Messages is the best way to fully understand the limits of what you can do, please refer to it whenever you run into problems. List Messages Full Json The following is the full Json file for the List Messages type of message: { "recipient_type": "individual", "type": "interactive" "interactive":{ "type": "list", "header": { "type": "text", "text": "your-header-content" }, "body": { "text": "your-text-message-content" }, "footer": { "text": "your-footer-content" }, "action": { "button": "cta-button-content", "sections":[ { "title":"your-section-title-content", "rows": [ { "id":"unique-row-identifier", "title": "row-title-content", "description": "row-description-content", } ] }, { "title":"your-section-title-content", "rows": [ { "id":"unique-row-identifier", "title": "row-title-content", "description": "row-description-content", } ] }, ... ] } }} Reply Buttons Full Json The following is the full Json file for the Reply Buttons type of message:{ "recipient_type": "individual", "type": "interactive" "interactive": { "type": "button", "header": { # optional "type": "text" | "image" | "video" | "document", "text": "your text" # OR "document": { "id": "your-media-id", "filename": "some-file-name" } # OR "document": { "link": "the-provider-name/protocol://the-url", "provider": { "name": "provider-name", }, "filename": "some-file-name" }, # OR "video": { "id": "your-media-id" } # OR "video": { "link": "the-provider-name/protocol://the-url", "provider": { "name": "provider-name" } } # OR "image": { "id": "your-media-id" } # OR "image": { "link": "http(s)://the-url", "provider": { "name": "provider-name" } } }, # end header "body": { "text": "your-text-body-content" }, "footer": { # optional "text": "your-text-footer-content" }, "action": { "buttons": [ { "type": "reply", "reply": { "id": "unique-postback-id", "title": "First Button’s Title" } }, { "type": "reply", "reply": { "id": "unique-postback-id", "title": "Second Button’s Title" } } ] } # end action } # end interactive} For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Creating interactive messages in WhatsApp Using Dynamic Content How to create a web element using a weblink in Blip Chat How to Create and Approve a Message Template in WhatsApp Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk