Author and Publication - STILINGUE Smart Care February 17, 2025 16:57 Updated Index: Introduction Author Publication Hidden options Sentiment interactions Conversations by status Details History Observations Introduction Check the user data from your survey and analyze the posts that generated interactions on STILINGUE Smart Care. To view interactions from publishers on your proprietary pages, access STILINGUE Smart Care. In this area, comments, inbox, mentions, and other types of interactions collected by the tool are available. On the right side of the main screen, a menu will appear with specific information about the author or publication you want to analyze: Author Select this option to analyze the user who made the highlighted post on the screen. In addition to the information collected from the social network, you can manually include data. If there is more than one user within the conversation, the 6 users who made the most recent interactions will be displayed. Note: The Meta API does not always provide us with the number of followers for Authors, so it is normal for some authors not to have this metric available. Publication If you want to quickly view the post in which the user interacted, just click on this tab. Note: For Google My Business (GMB) only, this area will be displayed with the location's address only, due to API settings: Hidden options You can filter the comments on the post (by selecting this option in item 2) and copy its ID. Sentiment interactions The percentage of user interactions is displayed divided by the sentiment classified by the tool. Conversations by status The colored icons show the current number of all interactions made by the user on each page connected to STILINGUE according to the status. This means that if the user contacts a page, the numbers representing the statuses will only relate to the number of times the user has sent a message to that specific page. If you have more than one connected proprietary page and a user interacts with two or more of them, the number of interactions will be counted individually, meaning for each connected page. In practice, it would work like this: if the same user contacts 3 connected pages on the platform displayed in the filter, for example, the number of conversations with Pending status will be 1 and not 3. This is because the user is counted only once, regardless of the number of pages. Details It is possible to edit information such as gender, name, email, among others. In addition, interests can be assigned to the user. History Records the user's previous interactions on the page. It is important to note that the type of interaction presented here may vary according to each network, for example: Twitter: history of Inbox (DM), mentions, comments (replies) and comments on mentions; Facebook: history of Inbox, comments, comments on mentions, comments on visitor posts, page ratings, comments on page ratings; Instagram: history of Inbox (Instagram Messenger), mentions, comments, and comments on mentions; YouTube: history of comments; LinkedIn: history of comments. In the case of GMB, history does not apply due to API limitations. Observations In this area, you can add specific information about each user to be saved in the system. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles How to import/export a knowledge base SLA Calculation - STILINGUE Smart Care Who - Publications Filter How to Publish Your Bot on Microsoft Teams How to create blocks in Builder