Configuration - Queues January 29, 2024 17:13 Updated Index: Introduction Queue configuration rules How does the queue visualization work? Introduction Learn how to configure queues in STILINGUE Smart Care and promptly handle calls on your company's pages. STILINGUE Smart Care was developed to streamline responses to users interacting on pages connected to the tool. Queues function as a filter for viewing calls that redirect these interactions. Interactions returned by them are related to the date range defined in the filter. Attention! Only users with master or administrator permission can create queues. Queue configuration rules 1. Name Enter a name to label the queue. Try to choose a name that reflects the purpose of the interactions, making it easier for the person in charge of handling them to navigate. For example: "Facebook Inbox Queue" refers to the inquiries that enter the tool, highlighting the type of interaction and the social media platform to which they belong. 2. Users who can view this queue Choose the members of your team who will be able to view the configured queue. Attention! If there are no specified users in this field, the queue will be available to all attendants. For the master user, it is not necessary to be configured within the queue to view it. 3. Pages Select which registered pages in the survey will be considered in the queue. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube pages, will be available based on the panel's registration. 4. Types of Interactions Select the interactions to include in the filter: Inbox, comments on posts, mentions, comments on mentions, reviews, comments on reviews, visitor posts, comments on visitor posts. 5. Criticality Choose the criticality level for support requests from the following options: No Criticality, High, Medium, Low. 6. Status Select the status of the tickets you want to filter, based on the following options: Ignored, Pending, Open, Answered, On Hold, and Closed. 7. Sentiment Filter according to the sentiment ratings of interactions.Note: when selecting all sentiment polarities, interactions without sentiment classification will also be displayed. If no sentiment is chosen, only interactions without classification will be shown. How does the queue visualization work? After completing the setup, the queues will appear in the sidebar within STILINGUE Smart Care: See how the queues are identified: 1. Assigned to me This option gathers all interactions with the Pending and Open statuses (requiring any annotation or response) assigned to you. With this functionality, there is no need to search for interactions in the filter, as this queue is a default setting in the system for each respondent. Note: when accessing the "Assigned to me" queue, a date range of 360 days will be automatically applied to the filter, and all proprietary pages connected to the survey will be considered. The purpose of this functionality is to map all interactions (with Pending and Open statuses) assigned to you within a 1 year period. The date and page configuration is not customizable. 2. Queues Identified by the icon: Queues function as a saved filter and consider the period defined in the filter. Therefore, it is necessary to configure the date range you wish to analyze. 3. Routing Configured routings also appear in the Queues. If the operator does not have permission to view a routing they are not part of, they won't be able to locate it in the queue. One must be a member of the routing to visualize it. The routings will be represented as follows: Note that in front of each registered queue, the total number of conversations corresponding to the Queue configuration is displayed. When selecting one of the queues, STILINGUE Smart Care will automatically display all calls related to the queue. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles How to Use Queue Management for Routing Support Tickets How to define attendance rules in Blip Desk Registration of Tags by Line Creating interactive messages in WhatsApp Blip Desk Overview