Status Change - STILINGUE Smart Care January 31, 2024 13:23 Updated Understand the outcome of status changes in STILINGUE Smart Care conversations The collected interactions appear in STILINGUE Conversas for processing (analysis, annotations, and status changes for the ticket) and responses by the customer support team. Learn how SLA works and the breakdown of statuses by accessing this guide. Automatic Annotations When you activate the option that enables the features in General Settings, the following actions are automatically marked by the system: 1. Respondent Assignment When a Pending ticket (that doesn't have a respondent) is assigned to a respondent, the status is automatically changed to Open. 2. Responded Interaction An interaction responded to by the tool is assigned to the respondent who sent the message. This change is automatically performed by the system if the operator is enabled to respond. Upon responding to a conversation, the respondent becomes the user who performed the action. Upon changing the conversation status, the respondent becomes the user who executed the action, if the conversation does not yet have a respondent and is in the "No Respondent" or "Respondent Not Found" status, in cases where the respondent of the interaction has been removed from the queue. Note: The list of respondents is created through invited users. Therefore, a user may not appear if they have access that has not been activated by an invitation. To have them appear in the list, an invitation needs to be sent to the user within the Manage Active Account area. 3. Status of Responded Conversation When a post is responded to, the status is automatically changed to Responded. SLA The SLA calculates the time between the arrival of a Pending interaction and the moment the status is changed. The status changes that occur within conversations contribute to the average handling time, which considers the status changes until the conversation reaches the statuses: Responded, Closed, or On Hold. These data, along with other important analysis information, appear in the Service & Annotations Report according to the transition of interactions between the statuses: Pending, Ignored, Open, On Hold, Responded, and Closed. To understand what happens when conversation statuses are accounted for in the tool, refer to the table: Old status Current status SLA Observation Pending Open Accounts for the SLA Counts the opening time of the call, from the date/time the interaction was published on the network, starting the conversation with the Pending status until the status is changed to Open. This SLA is not used in the average handle time calculation. Pending ignored* SLA is not changed Pending answered Accounts for the SLA Counts the call answering time, from the date/time the interaction was posted to the network, starting with the Pending status until the status changes to Answered Pending Closed Accounts for the SLA Call closing time counts, from the date/time the interaction is published to the network, starting with the Pending status until the status changes to Closed Pending On hold Accounts for the SLA Counts the waiting time of the call, from the date/time when the interaction was published on the network, starting with the status Pending until the status is changed to On Hold Open ignored SLA is not counted Open answered Accounts for the SLA Counts the call handling time from the date/time when the interaction was published on the network, starting with the status Pending, going through the change of status to Open until the status Answered Open Closed Account for an SLA Counts the closing time of the call from the date/time when the interaction was published on the network, starting with the Pending status, passing through the status change to Open until the Closed status. Open On hold Accounts for the SLA Counts the waiting time of the call from the date/time when the interaction was published on the network, starting with the status Pending, going through the change of status to Open until On Hold ignored Open* Does not count the SLA The time that the conversation remains in the Ignored status does not count towards the SLA. However, changing the status from Ignored to Open creates the possibility that the SLA will be calculated again. This change causes the period that the status was Ignored to be counted when the status is changed from Open to Answered, On Hold or Closed. ignored answered Does not count the SLA It is not possible to do it manually, this change of status is only possible when the field for enabling automatic annotations in the system is activated and a response is made. answered Closed Does not count the SLA answered On hold SLA is not counted Closed answered SLA is not counted Closed On hold SLA is not counted On hold answered SLA is not counted On hold Closed SLA is not counted Important: Calculating the postage or pickup SLA is not done by just subtracting the start and end dates and extracting the seconds. It is necessary to consider the calendar configured by the client, which only considers the configured working hours. Attention! If an interaction has its status changed to ignored and within this same conversation a new interaction is collected, the status of the conversation will change to Pending. Later, if the status changes to Opened, Waiting, Answered or Closed, the conversation will work as if it were a new conversation and the SLA will be calculated from the waiting time of the call, from the date/time in which the last interaction has been published to the network, restarting with the status Pending until the status changes to Opened, On Hold, Answered or Closed. If an interaction has its status Pending and within this same conversation a new interaction, the status of the conversation will be kept as Pending. If within the conversation there is the status change to Opened, Waiting, Answered or Closed, the SLA will be calculated from the waiting time of the call: from the date/time in which the first interaction has been published to the network, restarting with the status Pending until the status changes to Opened, On Hold, Answered or Closed. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Configuration - Routing Data Collected from Instagram - Proprietary Metrics What Can I Do When I Have Trouble Accessing or Using STILINGUE? Open Sea Data Handling - YouTube Publication Collection in Partnership