My profile May 06, 2024 12:10 Updated Index: Introduction Editing your profile Permissions and Access Introduction Find functions related to your account, searches, and other STILINGUE-related matters. When you access the menu located at the top of the home screen, you will discover features for editing and managing information about your accounts, permissions, and other settings. Among the menu options is the My Profile area, which gathers all data related to your profile in the tool. It's important to keep your personal and professional information always up to date. This ensures that STILINGUE understands your profile and can work on personalized solutions. Editing your profile In the first part of the page, you can view and edit your name, photo, basic and professional information. You can also update the password used to access the platform, except for cases where login is exclusively through SSO, and the password cannot be changed. The email used for login is also displayed, but unlike other data, it cannot be changed in this area. Still in the upper right part, the "Back" button allows you to return to the Account Center. Next to it, the "Save Changes" button will confirm all the changes made. Remember to always save any changes to your login information before accessing other areas of the tool. Permissions and Access Further on, you can view the accounts that have external access permissions (permissions on accounts that belong to different organizations than yours). The list includes the following points: Account: the name of the account to which you have external access. Group: the name indicating your organization or team within the tool. Permission: the administrative level that defines what can or cannot be done on the account. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles User registration on Blip How to Use Queue Management for Routing Support Tickets Managing Access Permissions How to change the avatar (photo) of the bot Audience file configuration - Bulk notification sending