SSO - STILINGUE May 08, 2024 12:31 Updated Index: Introduction What it is and how it works Multiple advantages Access request Introduction Learn how the technology that provides enhanced security in managing your team's access works. In line with best practices in information security, STILINGUE introduces a single sign-on system that ensures more reliability and convenience for managing your company's access: Single Sign-On (SSO). What it is and how it works The term Single Sign-On (SSO) can be translated as "Single Login" and summarizes the primary application of this technology, which was created to centralize access to different tools in a single environment with just one login. As a result, SSO is adopted as a solution by companies to manage the various logins and passwords of their employees in these tools. The SSO technology uses the SAML protocol, which is a markup language for security authorization. SAML allows integration of STILINGUE with other tools used by clients and providers in the market, enabling these different systems to "communicate" with each other. In practice, the user can connect to the STILINGUE platform more easily through an authentication system adopted internally and approved by your company's Information Security team. Multiple advantages The adoption of SSO is beneficial both for the company and for the users. For the company, the main advantage is greater data security and control over who can or cannot access the tool. As for the user, they benefit from an optimized experience, as the technology eliminates the effort of managing and remembering different logins and passwords for the accessed tools, in addition to providing additional layers of security to the company's internal authentication system. In addition to the benefits listed above, it's important to highlight other points of interest for companies: Reduction of manual work in access management: In the onboarding process of an employee, simply adding the user's email to the Identity Provider group grants access. It will be necessary to remove the same email during offboarding for the employee to no longer have access to STILINGUE and other tools. Reduction of effort in password management: The process of creating and changing login/password becomes simpler with SSO and follows the company's internal procedures, eliminating requests for new passwords from STILINGUE. Meets security requirements: The adoption of SSO is already a market trend and one of the main security requirements when procuring tools for large companies. Attention! Currently, it is not possible for a user of an account with active SSO to invite another user who does not have active SSO to your user group. If it is necessary to send an invitation, it is suggested that SSO be temporarily deactivated to invite the user and then reactivated. Access request If you are interested in using or learning more about how to use SSO in your STILINGUE operations, simply make a request through the platform. To do this, click on the "Single Sign-on" option in the sidebar located in the upper right corner of the screen: By clicking on the "Single Sign-on" option, you will be redirected to a new page where you can make the request to use SSO. Leave a contact email in the indicated field and click the "Request SSO Connection" button. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles How to create blocks in Builder How to Create and Approve a Message Template in WhatsApp Extension - Dynamic FAQ Managing Access Permissions How to send WhatsApp notifications through Blip API