Data Export Smart Care December 21, 2023 17:33 Updated Index: Introduction Conversations, Interactions, and Status Changes Overview What will I find in the export? Introduction Learn how to access and analyze consolidated data about your customer interactions on the platform Within STILINGUE Smart Care, you have the option to access the Service & Annotations Report getting an overview of interactions received on your proprietary pages and handled by your support team. However, there are situations where the support operation is more complex or requires even more in-depth metrics. For such cases and similar scenarios, data exportation might be more appropriate. The exportation contains all conversations, interactions, status changes, and actions performed by support agents via STILINGUE Smart Care within a specific period, accessible in .xls format. This provides you with a more comprehensive view of customer interactions, allowing you to answer specific questions such as: who was responsible for a particular status transition in the analyzed period? How many times was the status changed in a conversation? At what point was a specific interaction collected and processed in the system? Can I review all interactions responded to in the same Facebook inbox? The Smart Care data exportation provides the necessary inputs to answer these questions through your analysis, offering a strategic, data-driven perspective in managing your customer support operations. Conversations, Interactions, and Status Changes Overview Before explaining the information contained in the export, it's important to review some concepts that will be explored in the document. These concepts should be understood only in the context of the report and may not necessarily be applicable to other areas of Smart Care. Interaction: This is how we refer to each message occurring in a Conversation. Status Changes: These are the transitions made by the respondent in a Conversation during service, changing the Status (for example, from Pending to Answered). Conversation: Can be understood as a set of Interactions and Status Changes. A single Conversation displayed in STILINGUE Smart Care can contain various Interactions and Status Changes. The information is displayed in the export according to the filter's date range. Attention! In STILINGUE Smart Care, it's possible to select a 30-day period for data export. If you need to export a longer period, please contact our customer support team. What will I find in the export? The data export from STILINGUE Smart Care consists of a spreadsheet divided into three tabs, which can be accessed in the bottom left corner of the file. They are: Interactions This tab encompasses all interactions carried out according to the specified proprietary pages and period in the filter. In other words, an export for the first half of May will display interactions collected between the 01 and 15 of May. Here, additional details of the interaction such as date and time of interaction, processing date, URL, and assigned operator can already be viewed. Status changes In this tab, the focus is on analyzing actions performed by respondents that resulted in status changes during the specified period. It is possible to identify elements such as the date and time of the status change, the ID, and name of the operator who made the change, and the conversation ID where the status was changed. The time until the status change, and whether the occurring change is a first response status change. Time until status change Calculate in seconds the time between the status change and the agreed-upon SLA according to the selected option, which can be either the publication date of the interaction or the collection date of the interaction. More information available on the SLA calculation page. Conversations If the previous tabs aimed to provide more details on the collections and operations performed, here the focus is on the conversations that contain these interactions and status changes. Therefore, we will have information such as the date and time of the conversation (from start to close), type of publication, conversation status, and the number of interactions. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Time Reach - Instagram Engagement Index - Proprietary Metrics What Can I Do When I Have Trouble Accessing or Using STILINGUE? Audience file configuration - Bulk notification sending Making it easy to create your chatbot through extensions