Files - Listening May 20, 2024 13:40 Updated Learn where they are and how to access the files of relevant publications for your research. Files are consolidated formats that allow the storage of publications collected by the tool, according to the desired period and filter. You can use this feature in various ways to segment important publications and facilitate your work. To access these files within the tool, you must go to Files, within the Publications side menu. Upon entering the page, you will see all the files you have created. This area lists all the created files and has some functions to analyze the generated files. Check: 1. Show Defines how many files per page you want to view (5 to 100). 2. Search Searches for a file by name. 3. Name Informs the name of the files. Click to organize the display by alphabetical order. 4. Posts Volume of publications in each file. Click to organize the display by this parameter. 5. Created on Date of file creation. Click to change the sorting from oldest to newest. 6. Details Other information about the file such as: analyzed period, filters used, and other rule applications. Click on the tooltip to know all the details. 7. View Zoom into the publications that make up the selected file. 8. Remove Deletes the file from the list. Remember that once removed, the file cannot be recovered. Use this option with caution. Filtering by files You can create a filter based on a specific file to analyze the details of that set of publications in other areas of the tool, such as General View. To do this, access the filter on the Publications Wall and select the desired file in Editing & Classification to apply the settings. It is important to note that searching for a file may not return results if no publication from that file relates to the filter parameters. Attention! A generated file cannot be edited. If more publications appear after creating the file, you will need to generate a new file to include them. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Fields of Listening Data Export Builder variables Blip media upload policy Sending Active Messages to WhatsApp via Growth Data Collected from Instagram - Proprietary Metrics