Influencer Dossier - My Profile May 08, 2024 14:00 Updated Discover crucial data about your brand's influencers. For a user to be considered an influencer in the survey, they need to meet three important criteria: content attractiveness, affinity with the survey, and the influencer's reach. The Dossier area can evaluate user performance based on data collected by the platform. Understand each item in the dossier: 1. My demographic characteristics Demographic data is generated based on the publisher's information on social networks. This information can be manually edited according to your perception. 1.1. Gender/Type Genders are divided into: male, female, and organization. It is worth noting that gender classification is provided by the social media API. When the API does not provide the data, STILINGUE's Artificial Intelligence is used to differentiate genders among influencers. In this case, gender is obtained from the name. 1.2. Age Range The publisher's age can be calculated through the same Artificial Intelligence process or edited manually. The difference is that when this data comes from AI, the photo is analyzed to determine the user's age range. 1.3 Marital Status Options vary between: Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed, Separated. This information needs to be included manually. 1.4 Children It is possible to catalog whether the influencer has children, and if so, how many. Like Marital Status, this information is included only manually. Just like Marital Status, this information is entered manually. 2. My bios In this section, you'll find the biographies on each channel of the publisher. Some may have a bio on just one social network, while others may have it on multiple channels. For those influencers with more than one channel, you can access them through the dots. 3. My Contact & Representation Data These are the general contact details of the publisher. If they have registered any email or phone, this information will appear here. It's also possible to add or remove information in the "Internal Info" tab. 4. My location Here, the predominant language and location in the publisher's channel are specified. The location will only be recorded when there are check-ins in the profile's posts. In the Location field, you can include Brazilian cities and states or cities, states, and Spanish-speaking countries. Like other sections of the tool, these fields are also editable. 4.1 Languages In this field, the languages considered are: Portuguese, English, and/or Spanish. 4.2 State This information is related to any state in Brazil, according to the user's geolocation in the posts. 4.3 City You can assign any municipality within the selected state. 5. My interests Interests function as a classification level for users. The system associates some interests registered in the tool based on textual patterns in the publisher's social media. Learn more about this functionality in the guide. This process is carried out automatically. 6. Links I've Shared Represents a list of the most recurring or interacted links published by the influencer. 7. People I mention, comment on, & follow A record of users or pages that the influencer engages with the most. In the case of a post about a specific brand, this information appears in this tab, separated from other mentions, likes, and comments made by the influencer. You can switch the view by clicking on the tabs. 8. AAA Ranking compared to other survey publishers The AAA Ranking was created by STILINGUE to measure the influence a user has in relation to the survey. The score used ranges from 0 to 100 and considers the following criteria to determine the degree of influence: Attractiveness, Affinity, and Reach. In the case of the "Influencer Dossier," we can also evaluate this information in relation to other influencers in the survey. The more the influencer stands out in these criteria, the higher their placement in the Ranking. This position is classified based on all publications collected in the survey in the last 90 days. If you want to check the ranking in a specific date filter, you need to access the AAA Ranking in the side menu. 8.1. Metrics in the survey It's possible to track more precise data based on the numbers found within the AAA Ranking: Likes on this survey; Shares on this survey; Comments on this survey; Publications this week. 9. Themes I publish the most Here, the themes that stand out the most in the influencer's publications in terms of frequency of posts classified with the theme are presented. The themes presented are the same ones created in the Research Configuration. 10. Groups I publish the most The groups that stand out the most in the influencer's publications appear in the graph. The graph is defined based on the frequency of publications collected by the groups. The more publications there are from a particular group, the more weight that element will have in the graph. 11. Network of terms I write The terms most present in the influencer's publications and their correlations appear in this network. By clicking on a term, the publication from which that word originated is displayed on the Wall located at the bottom of the page. The size of the bubbles represents an indication of the quantity of publications related to the term. And the colors are defined by the publications that are currently hotter or colder. 12. Media kit, presentations, and other files This feature allows the insertion of files and presentations related to this publisher. Files such as images, gifs, and videos are allowed, as long as they are no larger than 3MB. 13. Filter publications If you want to locate any publication from the influencer (present in the survey), it is possible to use the filter with segmentations by date, text, location, and sentiment. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Influencer Dossier - Social Performance Metrics Access - Influencer Dossier AAA Influence Ranking - Listening FAQ - Service What - Publications Filter