Multiple Editing - Listening May 20, 2024 13:50 Updated Learn how to categorize bulk posts and optimize your work. The Publications > Classify section allows us to modify or add annotations to classifications already made automatically. With the Multiple Editing feature, you can annotate in bulk, meaning categorizing multiple posts at once. To find the feature, go to the Category section and click the button in the bottom right corner of the screen, next to the chat: A convenience of STILINGUE is the ability to move the Multiple Editing box around the screen, including minimizing the box when feasible. This way, you'll have more visibility of the interactions you want to categorize. How to use Multiple Editing? Firstly, in the Category section, even before opening the Multiple Editing box, you should set through the Publication Filter which mentions you would like to categorize in bulk - specific group(s) or theme(s), for example. And then start your annotations. The options for multiple editing are as follows: You can set the following parameters for bulk posts: Groups, Themes, interests, tags, sentiments, genres, and the Checked condition. If you want to apply the classification to all the posts on the page, activate the Select All option. Another possibility is to choose the filtered posts. It is important to note that up to 30 thousand posts at a time, coming from the filter, will be annotated in bulk. If it is necessary to edit more than 30 thousand posts, the annotation should be done in batches of 30 thousand at a time until the total volume of posts is covered. Choose the option to be applied by the Selected or Filtered buttons at the bottom of the box. Additionally, you can select by clicking individually on the posts. A second click on a selected post cancels the selection. Note: the limit of 30 thousand posts does not apply when removing posts in bulk. For more information about the Remove feature, please refer to the guide. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Remove and Restore - Multiple Editing Free up space on your dashboard Multiple Editing - Proprietary Metrics FAQs - Listening What Can I Do When I Have Trouble Accessing or Using STILINGUE?