How to connect the Click Tracker to your Google CTWA campaigns November 07, 2024 15:35 Updated Index: Why integrate with Click Tracker? Creating a Google Message Ads campaign Creating an event in the Builder Setting up a conversion event How to integrate Blip and Google Webhook How to integrate with Google Ads API via Google OAuth Checking the flow functionality FAQ Why integrate with Click Tracker? With Click Tracker, brands gain more visibility into the performance of their Click-to-WhatsApp (CTWA) ads within the conversational flow, enabling them to compare the reach of each ad, how many conversations were initiated by each one, and also how many conversions occurred within the conversational flow. The integration between Click Tracker and Google Ads aims to track all conversations started on WhatsApp through Google ads (via the Google Webhook integration), define a conversion point in the journey, and send conversion signals back to Google (via the Google Ads API), which helps improve CTWA campaign performance and optimize creative performance. To fully enable the integration, the following steps are necessary: Create and configure the campaign in Google Ads Manager as directed by Google, including the configuration of the Blip webhook link; Create an event in the Builder and define a conversion event in Click Tracker; Connect your Google account (used to manage campaigns in Google Ads) in the corresponding tab of Click Tracker, accept the Terms of Consent, and select the desired conversion event type for your campaign. Creating a Google Message Ads Campaign: The first step to start the campaign is to create the Message Feature, the name Google gives to the feature that allows adding a CTWA button in search results. To use this feature during its Beta phase, the company's ad account must be on Google's allow list. There are two possible ways to create this feature: one when creating a new campaign and another by adding it to an existing campaign. After that, simply select the campaign type as Search, and then choose Messages from the ad as the campaign objective. If you can't find the Search campaign type with the "Messages from the ad" objective, contact your Google Account Manager to request access to participate in the Beta. Creating an Event in the Builder If you are not yet using Click Tracker and don't have any events set up in your Bot's flow, simply follow the steps below, and you'll soon be able to analyze your CTWA campaigns with much more data to make even smarter decisions. To create an event in the Builder, you need to access the dialog box that represents the exact moment when your customer will take the action that triggers the desired conversion. By clicking on the box, a panel will open on the right side of the screen with various additional configuration options. In this sidebar, simply go to Actions and create a new Entry or Exit action, of the Event Logging type. This type of log requires you to define a Category and an Action.Since Click Tracker uses the name entered in "Category", it’s important to carefully choose this name so that it makes sense for the mapped event and facilitates future analysis in the tool and reports. There’s no problem in using the same name for Action as the one set for Category. A single Category can be registered in multiple blocks of the Builder. If the end user can convert at various points in the conversation, it’s possible to map all the events with the same name, allowing you to later analyze this group of users in Click Tracker. Support Documentation available in the Help Center: Help Center: Ação: Registro de eventos Setting up a Conversion Event Once the event is created in the Builder, the next step to use Click Tracker is to configure the conversion event. To do this, simply click the pencil icon in the "Conversion Event" field, and a pop-up will appear for you to choose from all the events previously registered in the Builder. Note: For the event to appear in this list, at least one record must have been made by the platform. This means that a lead must have been converted at least once for the platform to create the event and make it available in this list on the screen. How to integrate Blip and Google Webhook To integrate Click Tracker with Google Webhook, allowing Blip to receive click signals from ads and initiated conversations, go to the Google tab and click "Copy Link": And paste it into the "Conversion Import URL" field within the configuration section of the Message Feature tab in your Google campaign: How to integrate with Google Ads API via Google OAuth To integrate Click Tracker with the Google Ads API using OAuth, allowing Blip to send conversion signals from conversations initiated through ads, click on "Connect Account": Accept the Blip terms: Log in with your Google Ads account: You're now connected. The next step is to go to your Ads account and connect the Conversion Event of the import type. To do this, click on "Access Account": The modal with the events created in Google Ads Manager will open, then click on "Connect Event": Checking the Flow Functionality For the integration to work correctly, it’s important to ensure that your campaign is generating a Chat ID at the start of the icebreaker message.This Chat ID is automatically generated by Google and needs to be configured within the campaign. It will be sent along with the gclid, via Webhook, to Blip. To check if everything is working properly, simply simulate an interaction that the consumer will have. That is, search for the term related to your campaign on Google, click the Send Message button, and check how the pre-filled message appears in the chat. For the example below, the text configured in the Message Feature as the icebreaker was "Hello, I saw this ad on Google and would like to know more", and the final pre-filled result for the consumer was a combination of the Chat ID + icebreaker message. FAQ My campaign is not generating a Chat ID. What should I do? It’s likely that your campaign was not set up correctly. Please contact your Google Account Manager to review your campaign setup. How do I import conversions to Google? Through the Click Tracker and Google Ads integration, conversions will be automatically sent to Google Ads as they occur. You don’t need to do anything else. Why can't I find my campaign in Google search? The Google Message Ads feature is available only on Android and iOS, so it will only be displayed when the search is made on mobile devices. Additionally, the campaign may not always appear in every search, depending on the display strategy applied. For more information, check the discussion on this topic in our community or watch the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles How to Send Notifications via the Active Campaign API (Growth) TikTok Integration How to create a contact list in RCS How to Publish Your Bot on Microsoft Teams Sending Data for Analysis via Webhooks