How to use Click Tracker to determine which Click to WhatsApp ad is best for your business. December 29, 2023 19:17 Updated Index: What is Click to WhatsApp and how can it help your business? What is Click Tracker? How to access Click Tracker How to set the conversion point with Click Tracker To integrate the Click Tracker with the Marketing API How to track the performance of your ads with Click Tracker How conversions are counted by Click Tracker Rules for Data Analysis in Click Tracker Learn in this step-by-step tutorial how to set up the Click Tracker on your bot. With this functionality, you can analyze the journey of your users from the Click To WhatsApp ads in the conversational flow, understand the performance of each of your communications, and thereby better direct your media investments, optimizing lead acquisition and user conversion on WhatsApp. What is Click to WhatsApp and how can it help your business? Click To WhatsApp is a WhatsApp feature that allows linking Facebook and Instagram ads with the company's WhatsApp number. In other words, when users from both social networks browse the website or app, they can click on an ad and be taken directly to chat with the company. Click To WhatsApp ads are an excellent option for brands to shorten the customer journey. With these ads, it becomes much easier for customers to discover that they can connect with the company via WhatsApp, enhancing retention, engagement, and creating value through conversations. For more details on how to create a Click To WhatsApp ad, click here. What is Click Tracker? With the Click Tracker, you can analyze the journey of your users from Click To WhatsApp ads in the conversational flow. By understanding the performance of each of your communications, you can better direct your media investments, optimizing lead acquisition and user conversion on WhatsApp. The Click Tracker automatically collects user interaction data with the ads and generates personalized performance analyses for you, taking into account the specificities of your intelligent contact and what your brand defines as the conversion point. Moreover, with integration into Meta's Marketing API, the Click Tracker enhances your analyses and allows you to understand the cost of your ads, initiated conversations, and generated conversions. This empowers you to make smarter decisions to boost your business. How to access Click Tracker To access the Click Tracker and find the performance analyses of your Click To WhatsApp ads, click on the GROWTH tab and choose the CLICK TRACKER option in the left-hand side menu. How to set the conversion point with Click Tracker In order for you to analyze the performance and impact generated by your Click To WhatsApp campaigns, it is necessary to understand how many conversations initiated from the ads reach the conversion point of your intelligent contact. As Blip allows you to create highly personalized intelligent contacts, it is necessary to inform the chatbot's conversion point, defined by the category of an event record. On the Click Tracker screen, at the top, you will find a field to select and define an event record category as the conversion point. After clicking on the selection field, you will see a modal on the screen indicating the criticality of this action. The definition of this conversion event is crucial for calculating the conversions of your users who clicked on Click To WhatsApp ads and reached the conversion point defined by the selected event. Choose among the available event record categories the one that maps the user's passage through the conversion point of your intelligent contact. In other words, choose the event record that indicates that your user has achieved the SUCCESS POINT or the GOAL of your intelligent contact. After confirming your choice, Blip will start counting the conversions of your Click To WhatsApp ads considering the selected event record. Data prior to the selection of the conversion event will not be counted as ad conversions. You can edit the selected conversion event. Just click on the name of the current event record, and a modal will open for you to choose a new event record category. The total conversions will be calculated by summing up the conversions counted with the previous event records and the current one. In other words, conversions counted considering previous event records will not be lost. For more details on how to create an event record in your Smart Contact, click here. To integrate the Click Tracker with the Marketing API For you to understand the return generated by your Click To WhatsApp ads, it is necessary to measure the investment made for distributing your ads on social media and how it reflects in the costs of initiated conversations and conversions in the conversational flow. The ad investment data is imported from Meta's Marketing API, and to access this data directly in the Click Tracker, you will need to share a read token of this data with Blip. To integrate the Click Tracker with the Marketing API, click on "Connect Token" to open the modal for connecting the access token. In the modal, enter the Token generated through Facebook Developers in the indicated field. This token allows Blip to read the data related to your ads, but it does not grant Blip the permission to manage your ad account. In other words, you retain full autonomy to manage your campaigns and marketing strategies. For information on how to generate the access token for the Marketing API, click here. How to track the performance of your ads with Click Tracker With the Click Tracker, you can monitor the performance of each of your Click To WhatsApp ads by analyzing their reach on social media, the total number of conversations initiated from each ad, and the total conversions generated from these conversations. Additionally, you can compare the investment made for distributing the ads on social media and the average cost of each initiated conversation and conversion. On the Click Tracker screen, you will find the "CONVERSION PER AD" table, which presents the following information for each of your Click To WhatsApp ads in each row: the total investment in ad distribution and its reach on social media, the total number of conversations initiated from this ad, and the average cost of each conversation, the total conversions generated from it, the average cost of each conversion, and its conversion rate. The column with the ad identification details (ID, ad title, ad type) and information on the total number of initiated conversations are automatically generated by Blip from the moment at least one conversation has been initiated through a Click To WhatsApp ad in your intelligent contact. The columns for total conversions and conversion rate will be calculated only after defining the conversion event. If you haven't configured an event yet, you will see an alert icon. The information about the total cost, reach, cost per initiated conversation, and cost per conversion is imported from Meta's Marketing API and will only be available after sharing the access token to the Marketing API. ID of the ad: Unique identifier of the ad. This information is sent from Facebook or Instagram to WhatsApp. Ad title: Title used in the ad that generated the message. This information is sent from Facebook or Instagram to WhatsApp. The same ad (identified by an ID) can have different titles. In the "conversion per ad" table, the last identified title for that ID will be shown. We highlight that the presented Ad Title may be different from the ad name in Meta's Ads Manager. Ad type: Type of publication on the social network. It can take the values "ad" and "post". This information is sent from Facebook or Instagram to WhatsApp. Total cost: Total investment for the distribution and promotion of each ad on social media within the selected period. This data is imported from Meta's Marketing API. Reach: Total number of unique users who viewed this ad on social media. This data is also imported from Meta's Marketing API. Total initiated conversations: Number of conversations initiated from each Click To WhatsApp ad. This information is obtained by summing the messages that contain the ID of the ad. Cost per initiated conversation: Average cost invested for each initiated conversation. This data is obtained by dividing the total cost of the ad within the selected period by the total initiated conversations. Total conversions: Number of times the conversion event was performed after starting a conversation from a Click To WhatsApp ad. Cost per conversion: Average cost invested for each completed conversion. This data is obtained by dividing the total cost of the ad within the selected period by the total conversions, according to the configured conversion event. How conversions are counted by Click Tracker Conversions are counted per CONVERSATION SESSION, not per unique user. A session is opened when a user initiates a conversation from a Click To WhatsApp ad. This session will be closed when: The user goes through the conversion event, counting as a conversion. The user does not go through the conversion event but starts a new conversation through a Click To WhatsApp ad. In this case, it will not be counted as a conversion, but a new initiated conversation will be counted. The user does not go through the conversion event within 90 days after starting the conversation from the Click To WhatsApp ad. This is the maximum attribution period for a conversion to a Click To WhatsApp ad. Therefore, this case is also not counted as a conversion. As a result, the same user can convert more than once in the same ad or in different ads. The time for a conversion to be counted is 90 days after the start of the conversation from a Click To WhatsApp ad. Important! The total number of conversations initiated from CTWA ads counted in Click Tracker is not equal to the conversation windows used for WhatsApp billing. Rules for Data Analysis in Click Tracker Every time a user initiates a conversation from a CTWA advertisement, the Click Tracker automatically logs the action. Regarding conversion data, it's important to understand that they are only displayed when a predefined conversion event occurs. Additionally, for this data to be recorded, it's necessary for at least one user, originating from CTWA advertisements, to have traversed the specific point within the conversational flow where this event is defined. Although the Click Tracker allows for the alteration of the conversion event, caution is advised in this process. Because when setting up a new event, data collection begins immediately from the moment of the new configuration. Therefore, if a conversion event was already configured previously, its data is not discarded. This implies that when analyzing records, both conversions from the old event and the new event will be visible. As such, when choosing to review dates preceding the last configuration, the results will exclusively reflect the previous event. In practical terms, this means that there's no possibility of comparing the same periods of different conversion events. Given the significant influence that this maintenance has on conversion data in the Click Tracker, it's advisable to maintain stability in the conversion event settings, thus ensuring cohesion in data analysis. Lastly, after the integration of the Click Tracker with Meta's Marketing API, as detailed in item 7 of this article, the data regarding total cost, reach, cost per conversation, and per conversion adhere to the selected dates in the filter located at the top right corner of the Click Tracker. This selection follows the same logic as initiated conversations, enabling the retrieval of historical data even before the insertion of the Marketing API token into the Click Tracker. With these tips, you can further maximize the potential of the Click Tracker and optimize your strategies. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles How to identify users coming from a Click to Chat WhatsApp ad published on Facebook How to create a Click To WhatsApp Ad using Ads manager (Meta) Problem with the use of the WhatsApp Cloud API and optimization based on "conversations" for Click to WhatsApp ads. Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk Sending Active Messages to WhatsApp via Growth