Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk September 20, 2024 13:25 Updated Index: Contextualization Prerequisites How to Set Up Outbound Messaging in Blip Desk How to Validate if the Configuration is Successfully Completed Prioritizing Tickets Originating from Desk Outbound Messages Permissioning Outbound Message Flow in Blip Desk Receiving Customer Responses Viewing the Status of Outbound Messages Sent in Blip Desk Coming Soon! Contextualization Blip Desk allows agents to initiate conversations with customers by sending WhatsApp outbound messages directly. This feature is available only for individual sends, meaning one phone number at a time. For bulk sends, we recommend using the tool available on the Blip Portal's "Growth" page. Prerequisites You need to have a published chatbot in the builder with the WhatsApp channel configured or a router (the router must also have a WhatsApp channel configured) to which the builder chatbot will point. Outbound messaging is done using only message templates pre-approved by WhatsApp. Therefore, you need to register and get these templates approved before using this functionality. Understand what these message templates are here and learn how to create and approve them here. If using a router bot, both the support bot and the router bot need to be under the same contract. How to Set Up Outbound Messaging in Blip Desk Go to the Blip portal and access the "Support" page of your chatbot. In the side menu, click on "General Settings". On the displayed page, enable outbound messaging. A modal will open showing the pending requirements to enable the feature. Click "Understood" to close the modal and just below the enable button, enter the requested information. These are: 1.Specify Router ID If the bot where human support is provided does not have the WhatsApp channel active and uses the WhatsApp router, you need to configure the support bot by specifying the router bot. In the "Specify Router ID" box, add the router ID in the field to the right and click "Save". After validation, the device will indicate that the router was configured correctly by turning blue. Important! If the chatbot is not part of an active contract, it will not be possible to specify a router. To find the router ID, go to the "Home" of your router bot and at the top left of the screen, next to the avatar, you will find this information preceded by "Id": If the bot where human support is provided does not use the WhatsApp router, proceed to the next step. 2. Configure the Search Standard Contact searches can be done by type of information (name, phone, and email) and also by location where the search will be performed (router or chatbot). You can configure more than one option as the contact search standard. It is also important to note that the search may be slow depending on the chosen standard. Save the information before proceeding. Additionally, it is also necessary to configure the message templates and the return flow before starting outbound message dispatch. 3. Message Templates On the "Support" page, click on the "Message Templates" section in the side menu. On this page, you need to choose which message templates created and approved in your chatbot will be enabled for sending via Blip Desk. Important! Message templates are created and approved according to WhatsApp's rules, so they cannot be edited. (learn more) 4. Return Flow This property pertains to the support blocks created in the flow of your chatbot in the Builder. The selected return flow will be the point where your customer will be directed after responding to the active message sent. If the bot is developed in SDK, no return flow will be displayed on the screen, making the use of the feature impossible, as the bot needs to be published in the Builder. Important! Update of the Return Flow. If a notification about the outdated return flow of one or more templates is displayed at the top of the screen in the “Message Templates” section, it means that a return block has been removed from the Builder. It is necessary to update it so that active message sending can occur normally. You can check which templates need updating through the red icon visible on the message template. The update can be done individually by clicking the pencil icon on the right side of the screen and selecting a new return flow. You can also perform a mass update. Just click on the “Update” option, visible at the top of the screen (next to the notification about the outdated return flow). In the modal that will open, choose the new return flow that will receive the direction of all outdated message templates. Click the “Update” button to finalize. How to Validate if the Settings Have Been Successfully Completed Once all the necessary requirements for sending active messages are met, a banner will be displayed below the enable feature button in “General Settings” on the “Support” page, indicating that “Active message sending is enabled and ready for use”. I If any of the above-mentioned settings have inconsistencies, the message displayed will indicate that “Your chatbot does not meet all the necessary requirements for the feature to work, and it will only be possible to enable it once they are met”. Click on “Check requirements” or see more details below: WhatsApp channel connected to the chatbot (Learn more) Human support flow configured (Learn more) Message template registered for the WhatsApp Channel (Learn more) Message template enabled for Blip Desk (Learn more) Prioritizing Tickets Originating from Desk Outbound Messages Now it is possible to set maximum priority for tickets originated from active messages sent by Blip Desk.Prioritization works as follows: Once the configuration is enabled, any ticket opened in that bot from the return of a message will have its priority set to maximum, meaning it will have the highest priority compared to other existing prioritization rules (Low, Medium, and High) and will be delivered first to the agents. To configure this feature, follow the steps below: Access the bot where you want to enable the configuration. Then go to the "Support" menu; Next, go to "General Settings" in the side menu; Then go to the "Active Message Sending" section; Enable the option "Set maximum priority for tickets originated from active messages sent by Desk". Done, from there on, all tickets originated from active messages sent by Desk will have their priority set to maximum. Display on the monitoring screen: Permissioning Once the active messaging feature is enabled, users registered in the bot, except for the manager, will remain without access to the functionality and unable to send messages actively. It is very important that permissioning of the feature be carried out from its activation. Through permissioning, the manager can indicate which users can send active messages through Blip Desk. To enable the use of the functionality for one or more users, on the "Service" page of the chatbot that is configured to send active messages, click on the "Agents" section. You can define permissions individually by clicking on the permissioning icon next to the name of the agent (icon on the right side of the screen between the "Edit queue" and "Remove agent" options). On the next page, enable the feature by clicking on the "Enable Active Messaging" button. Mass permissioning is also allowed. To do this, on the "Service" page, "Agents" section, click on the checkbox in front of the names of the agents, and then on the permissioning icon, visible as soon as the selection is made, at the top above the list of agents (between the "Edit queue" and "Remove agent" options). On the next page, enable the feature by clicking on the "Enable Active Messaging" button. Outbound Message Flow in Blip Desk After the necessary settings explained above, sending active messages will be available in Blip Desk. To send a new message, click on the "Active message" button. The button will only be displayed if the agent's status is "online". On the screen that opens, the first step to take is to choose the message template. You can use the search fields by template name or filter the list by language and chatbot. Before proceeding, you can also preview the message template by clicking on "View full template". After selecting a message template, click on "Continue". The next step is to choose a message recipient. You can choose an existing contact in the chatbot of the previously chosen message template or enter the phone number of a new contact. Important! When choosing to add a new contact, situations may arise such as: 1. The entered data is not registered in the bot In this case, the seller or agent can send the active message with or without the contact's name. If you choose to provide the contact's name, this information will be automatically saved in the bot. 2. The entered data belongs to an existing contact but does not have a linked name In this case, the seller or agent will have the option to include the contact's name in the sending flow, which will be automatically saved and updated in the bot. It is also possible to proceed with sending the active message without including the name. 3. The entered data belongs to an existing contact with the contact's name linked In this case, it will not be possible to change the contact's name in the sending flow, but the active message can still be sent normally. After entering this information, click on the "Continue" button. The last step is to edit the variable fields of the message template. After completing the fields, click the "Send" button. A success confirmation should appear in the lower-left corner of the screen. The customer will not receive the active message if they have an open ticket, meaning if the customer is waiting for or currently receiving service. Receiving Customer Responses The active message will be sent to the customer's WhatsApp number and will wait for a response. When the customer responds, a ticket will be opened for this new conversation and will be directed to the ongoing service list of the agent who sent the message. Thus, the same person who sent the first message will continue to assist this customer. If the agent is offline, invisible, or the chatbot does not have direct transfer enabled, the ticket will remain in the queue exclusively for that specific agent. From this point on, the customer and agent can exchange messages normally, following the usual Blip Desk operation. Note: If the notification is sent and the customer does not respond within 24 hours, the direct transfer to the agent will expire, and therefore the service rules will apply Viewing the Status of Outbound Messages Sent in Blip Desk To track the progress of a contact made with the customer after sending an active message, a new tab called "Active Messages" will be displayed on the left side of the Blip Desk screen. In this tab, all messages sent by the agent will be recorded. Once the active message is responded to, this dispatch will become a ticket and move from the "Active Messages" tab to "Services". Additionally, it will be possible to view the status of the last message sent to a customer: Sending - Displayed after the active message is dispatched. Sent - Displayed after processing the sending of the active message. Delivered - Displayed after delivering the active message to the recipient. Read - Displayed after the recipient reads the active message. Failed - Displayed after a failure to send the active message. Expired - Displayed after the 24-hour window for any active message sent without a response from the recipient within this window. Important! After the 24-hour window, the dispatches in the "Active Messages" tab and their status will remain visible for another 48 hours in Blip Desk. Important! If you have access to the portal, you can also track the status of active messages sent through the Growth menu. The information will be available in the Active Messages section. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Coming soon! General Status of Active Messages Through the General Status Panel of Active Messages, it is possible to monitor the indicators of active messages that were sent and have not yet been responded to in the last 72 hours (after 24 hours without a user response, the message is considered expired and will be counted by the panel indicators for another 48 hours, totaling 72 hours). This is an important tool to analyze the progress of active communications made by Blip Desk until they are responded to. How is the count done in the General Status Panel of active messages? Each card displayed in the Active Messages Tab refers to a single contact and presents the status of the last message sent to that customer. In the General Status Panel, you will find the indicators of each message that has not yet been answered and that, therefore, has not yet become a ticket in the Assistance Tab. But how does this work in practice? For example, if a message was sent to a customer and they did not respond within the 24-hour window, the panel will display "1 expired message". If another message is sent to the same customer within the next 24 hours, in addition to the expired message indicator, the panel will also display "1 sent message". In this way, two indicators with different statuses corresponding to the messages sent to that customer will be displayed. It is important to remember that the General Status Panel only displays message indicators up to 48 hours after they have expired and also does not count responded messages, as they become tickets. Reasons for Sending Failures To ensure more efficient communication with your customers, you can view the reason why your messages were not sent, identifying the problem and, when possible, solving it quickly. To check the reason for the failure of an Active Message sent in Blip Desk, in the Active Message tab, click on the card of the contact you want to analyze. It is possible to check the reason for the failure of the last dispatch made and also previous ones when available. Then, in the center of the screen, the names of the sent message templates will be displayed. Note that when there is a failure, a red icon will be displayed next to the template title, and below it, the message "Failed to send message". Click on the icon. A modal will be displayed specifying the reason for the failure. For more information, access the discussion on the topic in our community or the videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Audience file configuration - Bulk notification sending How to connect your chatbot on WhatsApp - 2ª version Active Messages - Error Codes Service History How to use Click Tracker to determine which Click to WhatsApp ad is best for your business.