Collection settings and status January 18, 2024 12:38 Updated Index: How to access Collection settings and status How to access When you click on the Create/Edit Research tab, you can access the area and identify important information for the start of the research. Collection settings and status There are settings that can be included or removed from the research. See the topics that can be changed in the Research Settings area: 1. Storage In storage, you will select the credit that controls the size of your dashboard and the amount of publications you can store. 2. SLA Here you can select the credit according to your contract, which can be Light, Ultra, or Elite. The more words you insert into the collection groups of your research, the more robust it becomes, and the SLA reflects the processing speed of these researched terms. 3. Sentiment Analysis in Proprietary Interactions Uncheck this area if you don't want automatic sentiment classification to apply to interactions made on the proprietary pages of your research. To manage which proprietary pages will be linked to the research, follow the Proprietary Connections guide. 4. Automatic sentiment tagging Understand the behavior after activating the functionality: 4.1 If the automatic sentiment tagging of the Search Configuration is active: The system will classify sentiment; The Term library will work within the search; Rules created in Automation related to sentiment will also work. 4.2 If the tagging of sentiment is disabled in the Search Configuration: The system will not classify sentiment; The Term Library will not work; Rules created in Automation will work, according to the creation of parameters. 5. Neutral in sentiment analysis With this option unchecked, you remove the automatic classification of neutral sentiment, forcing the tool to classify only Positive or Negative. In this case, when the Artificial Intelligence does not identify the sentiment, the publication is marked as "uncategorized". 6. Anti-spam: When text is repeated in more than five (5) different posts in the same research, it is characterized as “spam”. The anti-spam blocks these posts from the research. 7. Activate retweet collection Click here to activate the collection of retweets in your research. We recommend that you review the frequently asked questions about the collection of retweets before activating your collection. The activation of retweet collection is done by requesting your account’s success manager. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Free up space on your dashboard Data collected in open sea - Listening Open Sea Data Handling - YouTube Active Messages - Error Codes Creating interactive messages in WhatsApp