Operators - Exactly January 18, 2024 17:33 Updated Index: Introduction How to access Exact operator Introduction How to enhance your configuration to expand possibilities in collecting terms During the search setup process, operators enable specific actions to be applied to the terms of your monitoring. You can choose not to collect certain terms, specify words that should be collected together, and utilize other features outlined in the guides for this area. How to access Access the Configuration area through the side menu or the card: Exact operator This operator was developed to capture terms literally. The word will be included in the search only if it is written exactly the same way in the publication. Therefore, uppercase and lowercase letters, accents, and hashtag symbols make a difference. Examples: The operator "exactly:" serves the purpose of distinguishing words. This allows avoiding confusion with similar terms, such as: "Pará" (State, starting with an uppercase letter and with an accent) and "para" (a preposition). This operator can also be activated by clicking on the term and selecting the corresponding option. Note: the "exactly" operator should be written in lowercase, and when applied correctly, it will appear in purple. If written with the first letter capitalized, it will turn blue, indicating it is treated as a common search term. This means it is not applied correctly and may lead to collection failures. This operator should also be used to ensure the special character "+" is not ignored in the Group term. For example, if you write the terms "word +" without using the exactly operator, the system will only recognize the term "word". Therefore, the combination should be included as "exactly:word +". This way, the special character (+) will be considered when searching for publications. Compound terms registered in the Groups will have two collection possibilities: the search will return publications with terms as entered in the search or as a single term, ignoring the space between them. Example: If your intention is to collect posts that have the words "Casa S" in the publication text, the system may not understand the difference with the space between the terms and recognize it as follows: In other words, ignoring the existing space. Therefore, it is important to insert the operator "exactly:", if your intention is to differentiate compound terms in the same search. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Operators - && Operators - Negate Boolean and Operators in Search Configuration Operators - Context Context and Groups