Themes April 08, 2024 12:24 Updated Index: Introduction How to access What is Theme? Theme Configuration Descriptor Suggestions Introduction Organize the collected publications and create new analysis possibilities for your research. The search configuration at STILINGUE is divided into fields to define the collection of publications that will be stored on the dashboard. Publications begin to be collected through Context and Groups, while Themes will be responsible for classifying the data. If you want to learn more about Context and Groups, we recommend this guide. Custom Services: need help setting up your research? We can assist you! Our team of experts is ready to assist you. Contact your STILINGUE account manager to gain access to this and several other services. How to access Access the Configuration area from the side menu or the card - for more details, see the Create/Edit Research guide that is part of the Help Center. When opening the page, you can expand or hide the sections that correspond to each step of the Search Configuration: What is Theme? Within the War-Room STILINGUE, you can define how posts will be categorized even while editing the search configuration. To do this, it's necessary to create Themes, which are the elements responsible for organizing the collected content into different categories. Themes are essential for segmenting and cross-referencing data, enabling more detailed reports with the tool's features. Before creating Themes, first consider what you need to collect. From there, establish the best way to organize everything for future queries and how these posts will be visualized. Note: for a theme to be classified, the word entered this field must be within 140 characters of the term (inserted in the group) that caused the post to be collected. If it is further away, it will not be classified. Example: if the word "wood" (inserted in the theme) is in the publication right at the beginning, and the term "bank" (inserted in the group) is at the end, 400 characters away, the publication will not be classified in this theme, as it exceeds the limit of 140 characters. If you want to ignore this distance for any theme descriptor, you can use the distant operator on it. Themes are also automatically classified for proprietary publications that match any theme descriptor, even with sentiment rules disabled in the search. Theme Configuration The first step is to indicate the theme title. The example shown below refers to a search for publications on music styles: The chosen division is between haters and lovers, as will be collected by the Groups. The terms described in the Theme are specific words that will be used to automatically classify what was collected in the survey. This means that posts with these words will be automatically assigned this Theme. With the collections properly classified, it is possible to filter the data by Theme and access only the posts from haters, for example. Note: to categorize stories into themes, it is neither necessary nor permitted to insert hashtags in the theme terms. Simply include the relevant word, and regardless of the presence of hashtags in the publication or stories, it will be classified correctly. Note: it is not possible to have a Group with the same name as the Theme. In addition to manually including the terms, you can choose suggestions for pre-defined Themes in the system to streamline the process. When clicking on the theme field, you will see some suggestions in the selected language (you can choose between Portuguese, Spanish, or both) and a list of suggestions that varies depending on the selected language. When selecting the desired suggestion, the descriptors and operators related to the Theme will be added to the term box. At this stage of the process, you can edit, remove, or add descriptors as needed. Note: when creating a new theme, we suggest waiting a few minutes before annotating them in Classify, as there may be a slight delay between the creation of a theme and its availability for annotation, depending on the size of the account's research or if there is any slowness. Descriptor Suggestions Add similar words within the Theme fields, based on related terms or grammatical inflections suggested by the STILINGUE Artificial Intelligence. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Context and Groups Tags of a Search Configuration Operators Boolean and Operators in Search Configuration Automation