Free up space on your dashboard January 22, 2024 18:26 Updated Index: Introduction Review Search Configuration Disable unused channels Enable Anti-Spam option Remove unwanted posts Attention in the Fanpage Comparison area Talk to your Account Manager Clean up before disconnecting pages or deleting research groups Introduction Discover how to ensure the functioning of your search if the collection reaches the publication limit When creating a Search Configuration, it is important to maintain a routine of review and monitoring of the search so that the volume of collected publications does not reach the limit contracted in your plan. When this happens, the search runs out of space to collect new publications and is temporarily paused. There are some suggestions that can help normalize the collection if this situation occurs in your search. Check: 1. Review Search Configuration After configuring your search, always review the terms you have placed within the Context and Groups. Using some operators from our system, you can prevent the search from bringing too much "trash," that is, unwanted publications that do not belong to what you are looking for. The guide on operators can help you a lot in this regard. 2. Disable unused channels Within the Search Configuration, there is an area to enable or disable data collection channels. You can interrupt the collection from a social network or service that is not currently being used in the research, thereby avoiding the collection of posts that are not relevant to your study. 3. Enable Anti-Spam option Located in the Settings area and collection status, the Anti-spam button is an option to block repeated posts that, when shared in bulk, can compromise your account's limit. If a text is repeated in more than five (5) different publications within the same search, the system will interpret this behavior as "spam" and block those publications falling under this category. 4. Remove unwanted posts When deleting posts that do not fit into your research, you free up more space for collecting other posts that are more suitable for your monitoring goals. To perform this action, you have various options: Click on the Trash icon within the card on the Publication Wall or in the Sort area to remove one post at a time. For mass deletion of posts, you can use the Multiple Editing feature located within Sort. Attention! After removing the posts and freeing up space, the system may take up to 1 hour and 30 minutes to resume data collection for the research. It may also take this time for the total number of posts on the dashboard to be updated. If this time is exceeded, please contact Customer Service through the chat for further assistance. The data collection return also includes a retrospective collection for the Proprietary Metrics area, considering the same rules for reconnecting proprietary pages. 5. Attention in the Fanpage Comparison area Comparing fanpages is an area available in Proprietary Metrics that allows the comparison of one or more Facebook pages, enabling tracking of fan base evolution, volume of posts, and interactions, for example. As it is necessary to collect posts from the compared pages to deliver this data, this collection is counted towards the panel's space limit. Therefore, be concise when choosing the pages to be compared. 6. Talk to your Account Manager STILINGUE Account Managers are ready to assist you with your search configuration to ensure that post collection is uninterrupted. Additionally, you can also request an upgrade to a plan with higher storage capacity. If you want to include a new panel or a more robust plan, your Account Manager will check availability and cost to meet these needs. 7. Clean up before disconnecting pages or deleting research groups It is important that you follow a sequence of actions if you want to effectively clean up the posts from your research. The first recommended action is to remove the posts before disconnecting your proprietary pages (if they are connected to STILINGUE) or deleting groups from the research. If this sequence is not executed correctly and the pages are disconnected before cleaning, for instance, it will not be possible to remove previously collected proprietary posts. The same logic applies to deleted groups. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Remove and Restore - Multiple Editing Collection settings and status Export Center Create/Edit Survey Engagement Index - Proprietary Metrics