Create a new rule - Automation December 18, 2024 12:55 Updated Learn how to create automatic classification rules for your research publications. The Automation module is a feature that optimizes your time and that of your team by speeding up the classification of publications. With this feature, the annotation that was previously done manually is now applied automatically by the system, based on parameters defined by the user. How to access To enter the Automation area, click on the Listening section in the sidebar: You have the option to locate existing rules in the research and check whether they are active or not. To learn how to view created rules, read the Automation guide located in the left sidebar of this section. Furthermore, it is possible to create a rule according to the parameters chosen by you. 1. Name Choose a name for your rule for identification and make future searches easier. Note: it will not be possible to create two rules with the same name. Therefore, choose different names for each created rule. 2. Description Here, you can describe your rule in general terms. This field is useful for internal team reference and may include a brief explanation of the rule's purpose - a campaign, crisis, or other specific event, for example. 3. Filter publications Set the Filters for the publications where you want to apply a new rule: Example: Authors, Channels, Device, Genre, Location, Sentiment, Containing Text, Tags, Publication Types, Publication IDs, Groups, Authors, and Themes. By selecting a location in this area, you can choose Brazilian cities and states or cities, states, and Spanish-speaking countries. In the case of Author Automations, the user can select more than one profile under the same condition and cannot add more than one rule using the profile, just like with the Publication ID condition. Note: when selecting IDs in this option, it will not be possible to add another filter with IDs again. The same rule applies to the Author's option. Note: If the chosen filter is "Containing Text," the use of emojis is not allowed. To understand how the inclusion of publication IDs works in this area, check the FAQ. 4. Operator The Operator field confirms that the selected option in the filter will be equal to what will be displayed in the Parameter field. 5. Parameter Choose the parameter of the Filter. Example: If you chose the Channels filter, the displayed parameters will be: Blogs, Facebook comments, Portals, and many others. 6. Define rule Choose the actions to classify filtered publications by: tags, topics, sentiment, or publication. 7. Parameter Choose the action to be performed, among the classification of tags, topics, sentiment, or publication. Example: if you chose the tag "Doubt" in the filter, then the action will be to set the sentiment to Neutral. This means that all publications classified with the tag Doubt will automatically be marked as neutral in the search. The options displayed in the Parameter will be the tags, topics, or sentiment configured in the Search Configuration. If you want to add, edit, or delete these options, you must go to that area before creating a new rule. By clicking on the "+" symbol, you add another filter to create the rule. For the action to be applied, it must contain all the conditions defined here. It is important to highlight two behaviors, regarding the automatic classification of sentiment, performed in this area. It is not possible to insert sentiment in "If...", "Then..." and "Else...". You must choose only one of the areas to select this option; From the moment you choose a sentiment as a rule (within the Automation module), this rule will override the classification of the Artificial Intelligence engine and the sentiment Rules classification in the Search Configuration. In other words, what will matter for automatic classification will be the parameter defined in Automation. 8. Add "If not" condition This is an optional action that can be used only in certain situations, such as: You have chosen the first condition and action: If the publication is positive, the "Stilingue Lovers" tag will be applied. Now comes the If not... If it is not positive (i.e., if it is neutral or negative), then apply the "Promotion" tag. This option can be removed from the rule creation by clicking "Remove If not condition"; it will be disregarded in the classification. You can also choose the rule parameter for 'if not...'. 9. Cancel Cancel the rule creation. 10. Save rule Complete the process and save the rule. Note: The removal of posts via Automations is carried out only on the Stilingue platform. The posts and/or comments will remain available on the social network. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Automation | Boolean Operators Automation Term Library Classification Tree Technical Data & Other Definitions - STILINGUE