Distribution - Overview May 20, 2024 13:23 Updated Index: Introduction Sequence of graphics Zoom Introduction Learn how to interpret the summarized graphs of your research. The Summary section is designed to facilitate a more macroscopic view of the collected data. Customized Services: need assistance in generating reports with data collection and analysis production? We can assist you! Our team of experts is ready to assist you. Contact your STILINGUE Account Manager to access this and several other services. Before starting the analysis, it's important to highlight that the percentage displayed in the distribution charts corresponds to the total data shown in the charts. Only the 15 most relevant terms in quantity are displayed (within the Themes, Groups, Tags, and other charts in this area). For example, if you are analyzing a filter that has 20 Themes, only 15 of these Themes will be displayed on the chart. Therefore, the chart percentages will be based on the 15 Themes and not on the 20 selected in the filter. Sequence of graphics Here, we have a sequence of other charts that will show how the data distributions related to your research are progressing: 1. Distribution by Themes Informs the volume of classification of Themes created in your Research Configuration. 2. Distribution by Groups Informs the volume of collection of Groups created for your research. 3. Distribution by Terms Analyzes the publications collected in the research and separates the terms that have manifested most in the texts. For example: if the same term has appeared more than 30 times in different publications, it will be identified in this chart, taking into account the specified time period in the filter. Note: the selection of terms that appear in this chart does not consider "individual" or unique words. The context of the term is first analyzed, so it can be included in the chart. Therefore, not all words in the research are transformed into terms (specifically regarding this chart). Example 1: Brazil is a great country. In this sentence, "Brazil" is a term. Example 2: Brazil's Carnival. Here, Brazil is not a single term. It is related to "Carnival." Therefore, within this context, it would be considered the term "Carnival of Brazil" instead of just "Brazil." 4. Distribution by Regions It shows the regions where publications were made, based on user geolocation data. This graph is only populated when this information is available in the collected profiles and pages. In addition to Brazilian locations, you can also filter for posts from Spanish-speaking cities, states, and/or countries. Note: To understand in more detail how this graph works when the Conversation Filter is selected, refer to the guide. 5. Distribution by Searches This graph considers the descriptors entered in the Groups and Themes of your Search Configuration. This means that among the words you included in the Groups and Themes fields, those that appear most frequently in the collected publications are displayed in the graph. Note: The behavior of the Distribution by Searches graph is related to the classification in the Distribution by Terms graph, shown earlier in item 3. In the case of Distribution by Searches, individual terms are considered. This causes terms that do not appear in the Distribution by Terms to be included in the Distribution by Searches. Therefore, it is natural for this graph to have a larger volume compared to words. 6. Distribution by Tags Show the tags that are being used the most. 7. Distribution by Hashtags Inform which are the hashtags most mentioned in the posts. 8. Distribution by Domains Relates, which are the domains of sites where posts matching your Search Configuration were found. 9. Distribution by links List the links that appear most frequently in the posts collected in your search. Note: at times, the Distribution by Links graph may display the message "Not Classified". When this happens, it means that the collected posts do not contain links. This situation occurs more often with filters for types of posts where channels do not encourage or allow link sharing. Zoom Started exploring the data and have questions about what it represents? Just click on the data, and we will zoom in, opening a report with only the sampling of the selected data. For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel.😃 Related articles Related Terms - Listening Graphics - Overview Engagement Index - Proprietary Metrics FAQs - Listening How ticket distribution works