Technical Data & Other Definitions - STILINGUE February 03, 2025 14:52 Updated Index: Introduction STILINGUE Smart Care and Proprietary Metrics Listening SLA for non-proprietary channels Social metrics Number of followers Additional collections Technical restrictions Introduction Understand how the collection time operates in each STILINGUE module and how it relates to your research. STILINGUE operates transparently so that you can access relevant data about your research. See below the main information about the collection time (SLA) and other technical details in different areas of the platform. Customized Services: Need assistance in calculating and setting goals based on market analyses/trends? We can assist you! Our team of experts is ready to assist you. Contact your STILINGUE account manager to gain access to this and several other services. STILINGUE Smart Care and Proprietary Metrics For both modules, all collection channels have a 95% SLA between the average time and the time limit (indicated below). The collection expectation is 99.0% of posts within 24 hours after the time limit. These percentages should be calculated using a 24-hour filter for each type of publication and without any other restrictions on the filter, i.e., the overall volume should be analyzed for each type of interaction. Channel Type of publication Average Time / Time Limit (up to 95% of the data) Facebook Inbox 2 minutes / up to 15 min Comments 10 minutes \/ up to 15 min Comments on Dark Post/Dynamic 5 minutes / up to 15 min Evaluation 30 minutes / up to 60 min Mention 5 minutes / up to 15 min Posts (Visitors) 10 minutes \/ up to 15 min Posts 10 minutes \/ up to 15 min Dynamic Posts 5 minutes / up to 15 min Dark Posts 5 minutes / up to 15 min Instagram Inbox (Instagram Messenger) 1 minute / up to 15 min Comments 5 minutes / up to 15 min Comments in mention 60 minutes / up to 180 min Posts 6 minutes / up to 15 min Mentions 5 minutes / up to 15 min Dark posts 60 minutes / up to 100 min Comments on Dark Post 90 minutes / up to 120 min Stories 60 minutes / up to 100 min Tag/Marking 5 minutes / up to 15 min Twitter Inbox 1 minute / up to 15 min Posts and Mentions 5 minutes / up to 15 min Youtube Comments 3 minutes / up to 30 min Posts 6 minutes / up to 15 min Linkedin Posts 5 minutes / up to 15 min Comments 15 minutes \/ up to 90 min mention 6 hours / Up to 24 hours Comment in Mention 10 minutes / Up to 60 minutes Google play Reviews 5 minutes / up to 15 min Google My Business Reviews 5 minutes / up to 15 min Comments 5 minutes / up to 15 min TikTok Videos 5 minutes/15 minutes Comments Responses Listening It is guaranteed that 95% of the Survey Configuration data will be collected between the average time and the deadline, and 99% of the collected posts within 24 hours after the deadline. These percentages should be calculated using a 7-day filter for each channel and without any other restrictions on the filter: in other words, the overall volume should be analyzed for each channel. SLA for non-proprietary channels Channel Type of publication Average Time / Time Limit (up to 95% of the data) Collecting posts from other channels (except for clippings) News 4 to 7 hours2 Facebook and YouTube comments1 Up to 30 minutes on the priority list3 4 to 5 hours outside the list2 Blogs Up to 1 hour on the priority list3 8 to 12 hours outside the list2 Reclame aqui (complaints) 7 to 10 hours2 Forums 8 to 10 hours2 BlueSky 1 to 2 hours4 1 Collection of comments or specific posts not belonging to the priority list is not guaranteed. 2 Additional time to the collection time of the previous table (Proprietary Metrics and STILINGUE Smart Care). 3 The priority list is managed in the Search Configuration. The user needs to input the link, blog RSS, or the username in the case of social media. 4 The Bluesky API documentation does not specify its delivery SLA. Based on the technical validations we conducted, we identified that we have access to approximately over 90% of the data. With this, we internally calculated an average collection time of between 1 and 2 hours. It is important to emphasize that since the API itself does not define a collection timeframe, there is still a possibility of not meeting this average. Social metrics Update of interactions on a post: likes, comments, shares, and video views. Canal 1st update Future updates Minimum interactions* Facebook 30 minutes after collection Every 24 hours, for up to 7 days 10** Twitter Youtube Instagram 0 *Minimum number of followers for the user making the post for social metrics to be updated. For Twitter, after 3 attempts, if the tweet shows less than a 10% increase in the total variation of (likes + comments + shares), it will be prematurely discarded before the 7-day period. Important: We have a block in our data collection flow for competitor pages (as we do not collect proprietary data for competitors), and the client should not list their page as a competitor page, as this will block the collection of metrics. Additionally, posts that have already been collected once cannot undergo retroactive collections (as they are already in our database), and all metrics will be updated within a 30-day period. Number of followers The number of followers for a profile is updated each time the post is collected, provided that the profile making the post has a minimum number of followers according to each platform: Channel Minimum number of followers Facebook 2000 Twitter Youtube Instagram 1000 Additional collections Channel Type of publication Average Time / Time Limit (up to 95% of the data) Average Time for Database Reprocessing* Up to 100,000 posts Within 24 hours from the start date. Information in the guide Over 100,000 posts Scheduled with the Customer Service team. The time may vary depending on demand and the number of posts to be reprocessed. Limitations on simultaneous result viewing Query without textual filters - 1 million results, averaging 50 seconds - 10 million results, averaging 180 seconds - 20 million results, averaging 360 seconds Textual filters search 350,000 results Frequency of updates for AAA Influencers / Creators Ranking Customized To be defined Elite Daily Ultra Daily Light Weekly Creators Express Report Weekly * When making changes to the configuration of a created search dashboard, this is the time it takes for the team to reorganize the previously collected data based on the new settings. Technical restrictions Proprietary Channels (Proprietary Metrics and STILINGUE Smart Care) Update of posts on proprietary pages: Only in the last 100 posts from the last 30 days. This condition is valid for all channels across all social media networks. To increase the number of updated posts or the time interval, it is necessary to notify your account manager (CS) in advance for feasibility analysis. Comments on old Instagram and YouTube posts: For proprietary posts, only those made in the last 100 posts of the past 30 days are considered. Therefore, comments on old posts are not collected. Comments on non-proprietary pages are not delivered through the API. On Instagram, the API grants STILINGUE access to the latest 150 comments on a post. If the number of comments in a collection cycle exceeds 150, there may be loss due to limitations in the network's API. Collection of posts and comments on connected pages: There will be a loss of data collection on pages not associated with a dashboard or pages that have lost authentication. Warnings are sent daily to clients when the system detects authentication failures. Non-proprietary Channels (Listening) Twitter Collection: We collect the latest 300 posts/mentions at a time. If the number of posts in a collection cycle exceeds 300, there may be loss. In these cases (large sports events, real-time shows, debates, or high-viewership TV programs), we recommend strengthening via Twitter GNIP Powertrack (Twitter Enterprise), as a complement. By subscribing to the Twitter PowerTrack API, there is a 100% delivery guarantee for items. By default, the collection of RTs is disabled, but if there is a need to collect this data, you can request the activation of the service at no additional cost. Collection limits What factors are taken into account in the collection limit of publications? The consumption of the publication collection limit for each plan is influenced by several variables that depend on what has been contracted by the client. To calculate the collection limit, it is necessary to sum the total number of publications from all modules contracted in the system. New modules contracted by the client or launched by STILINGUE in the future will always consume the contracted collection limit. Currently, the modules that consume the publication collection limit are: STILINGUE Smart Care, Proprietary Metrics, Listening, and the Compare Fanpages (Facebook) section within Proprietary Metrics. When the total collection limit of the panel is reached, the customer will be notified by email, and their collection will be paused. The customer is responsible for managing and utilizing the collection panel. It is advisable to prevent the panel from reaching the limit, as this may result in potential collection losses due to insufficient space. STILINGUE is not responsible for data losses caused by a lack of panel limit management. Customers can delete posts or upgrade their plan to avoid collection pauses. Technical requirements STILINGUE's data is replicated on the platform in real-time to ensure integrity in cases of failures at specific points. Furthermore, a backup policy has been developed to allow data recovery in the event of major failures. The STILINGUE War-Room platform is exclusively marketed under the SaaS (Software as a Service) model, a form of software distribution and commercialization. Within this model, STILINGUE is responsible for providing the necessary infrastructure for the customer. The technical requirements for the STILINGUE platform are as follows: Official support for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers in their latest versions (other browsers may have compatibility, but official support is limited to the ones mentioned above). The official version is supported by the manufacturers of Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS operating systems. ALL operators must have a computer with a minimum of 4GB of RAM (8GB recommended) and internet with a minimum speed of 10 Mbps. Recommended: 30 Mbps. It is necessary for ALL operators to have an email for login and INDIVIDUAL use of the tool. The release of some tools/plugins that assist us in monitoring usage and system bugs is mandatory for all operators. They are: Zendesk (ticket tool) * * Logrocket (tool for automatic bug reproduction): *, * Sentry (automatic bug tracking tool): * Social Networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube):* , * , *, * ,*, *, * , * , * SendGrid (Platform email dispatch tool):, STILINGUE : * The release of other tools/plugins is desirable: Google Analytics * , * Github * For more information, visit the discussion on the subject at our community or videos on our channel. 😃 Related articles Data Collected from Instagram - Proprietary Metrics Open Sea Data Handling - YouTube Export Center Instagram Business - My connections Sending WhatsApp Active Messages on Blip Desk